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The next morning I woke up in Damon’s room, as I currently don’t have a window in mine…..

I looked to my right to see Damon still asleep.

Hopping off his bed, I trudged my way into my own room shivering from the sudden breeze.


Glaring at now one in particular, I walked towards the bathroom before turning on the shower.

After about 20 minutes of showering I stepped out and wrapped a towel securely around me and walked back into my room to get dressed.



“Verity! Are you even listening to me?” Damon asked, looking at me weirdly.

I simply gave him a very un-enthusiastic thumbs up.

I really wasn’t in the mood.

“I’ll be back soon. Ok? When Stefan gets back from Elena’s tell him to call me. I need to talk to him about….Something.”




“What aren’t you telling me?” I asked narrowing my eyes. This made his widen before avoiding contact with my own.

“Nothing. I’ve got to go, see you later.”

“But-“ And he was gone.


Sighing I stood up from the sofa and walked through to the kitchen. I couldn’t stop thinking about Kol.

Kol Mikaelson.

The vampire who knows just how to get on my nerves.

The vampire who knows how to make me feel better.

The vampire who has a serious case of Bi-Polar.

The vampire who already owns most of my heart.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of the door closing. I quickly walked back into the living room, to find Stefan walking into the boarding house.

“Ello little brother. Damon wants you to call him about ‘something’.” I told him, inspecting him.

Stefan looked as if he knew what Damon wanted and said a quick “Ok.” Before swiftly walking out into the garden.

After folding my arms and stamping my foot like a five year old, I quietly followed him to the door which he idiotically left open.

Pfftt. Do they not know me at all?

Making sure there was no way he could see me, I listened in on the phone conversation... Which was hushed whispers.

“What do you mean? ‘Their serious.’ Serious about what?”

“Stefan. It’s is a full moon tomorrow night. We need to tell Verity!”

“What? No! We can’t.”

“I’m telling her.”

“Damon if you do, she’ll hate us.”

“Better she lives and hates us, than die because we didn’t tell her.”

“Oh don’t be so dramatic.”

“Dramatic? Really? Dramatic? This is Verity we’re talking about Stefan! Our sister!”

Stefan was silent for a moment.

“Just wait until tomorrow.” Was all he said before hanging up.

Realising this was probably a good time to bolt. I sprinted towards the sofa; dive bombed onto it and tried to make it look like I was sleeping, just as Stefan walked in. I heard him sigh heavily, whilst walking up the stairs and towards his room.

Now, what are they up to?

A Trembling Spark || Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now