frozen yogurt fun!

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*Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca all go out to get frozen yogurt as a family! Thank you to my bestie Rami-Is-A-Sweetheart for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree ❤️*

Today has been a relaxing Sunday at the Shepherd-Aguiar household!

Currently, Benji is playing Animal Crossing, Theodore and Harlow are having a tea party and Coralei and Averie are playing with their Barbies! Luca has been clingy to Will and RJ all day because he has been teething.

Will and RJ are cuddling on the couch together with Luca watching Cocomelon on Will's iPhone. Luca managed to take a small cat nap today which was good since he didn't sleep well the night before.

Averie and Coralei happily walk over to RJ and Will, wanting to talk to their Papi and Daddy.

*Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca's outfits*

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*Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca's outfits*

"Hi, girls!" RJ says with a cheeky grin.

"Hi, Cora and Avy." Will says with a smile as he plays with Luca's hair.

"Hi, Papi and Daddy!" Averie and Coralei both say in unison with big smiles.

"Daddy! Papi! Can we go get some frozen yogurt? Pleaseeeeee!" Averie says with a little pout.

"Yes, Daddy and Papi! Please! Please!" Coralei says as she also pouts.

"That sounds yummy. Does that sound yummy, Luca? Some frozen yogurt? Mmmm!" Will says as Luca smiles and claps his hands.

"Yummmm!" Luca says with a giggle.

Luca really loves yogurt, it is one of his favorite sweet treats.

"Let's see if Benji, Harlow and Teddy want some too!" RJ says as Coralei and Averie both get excited.

RJ stands up and him, Coralei and Averie all walk to the playroom where the younger kids are still playing tea party, while Benji is on a chair with the Nintendo Switch.

"Hey, guys. Do you wanna go and get some frozen yogurt?" RJ asks with a smile.

"YES! I love dat!" Theodore says with a big smile on his face, and Harlow jumps up and down.

"Yeah! Fro-yo! I gonna get spwinkles on mine!" Harlow says as she squeals with excitement.

"Yes, please! That sounds like fun!" Benji says, while he saves and turns off the game he was playing.

"Let's all go and get it!" RJ says and goes back to where Will, the dogs, Coralei, Averie and Luca are.

Everyone gets their shoes on, say goodbye to the dogs and head to the car, discussing what flavors they'll all choose!

"My favorite is mango! Or s'mores!" Averie says happily, playing with her Barbie in the car so she doesn't get bored.

Luca, Harlow and Theodore also all have toys to play with on the way there. Luca is biting his toy.

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