a special little shepherd-aguiar christmas

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*Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore, Harlow, Sammy, and Dobby all celebrate Christmas together! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🎅🏻🎄*

- The Night Before Christmas -
Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow are all finally fast asleep for the night!

It took Will and RJ a little while longer then usual to get Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all in bed and asleep tonight because all four of them are very excited for Santa to come to the house and bring them all lots of presents!

It took Will and RJ a little while longer then usual to get Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all in bed and asleep tonight because all four of them are very excited for Santa to come to the house and bring them all lots of presents!

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*House outside decorations*

Will and RJ just ate the four chocolate chip cookies the kids left out on a plate for Santa and they are now setting up all of the Christmas presents around the Christmas tree!

"Let's put the girl's Christmas presents together and and the boy's Christmas presents together!" Will explains to RJ.

"That sounds really good to me, babe!" RJ says happily to Will.

Will and RJ both begin to put all of the kids' Christmas presents all around the Christmas tree one by one!

"Aww, it looks really good, babe! It looks really cute too." Will says to RJ with a grin.

"It does! I can't believe this time next year we will have FIVE kids to shop for and put out Christmas presents for!" RJ says to Will as he chuckles and smiles.

"I know, me either! But it is going to be a lot of fun to have a little baby again." Will says as he smiles at RJ.

"Aww, yeah. A baby's first Christmas is very fun and sweet." RJ says to Will, making Will smile.

"Baby boy is moving a lot around right now, RJ." Will says as he happily rubs his baby bump feeling baby boy move around.

RJ then walks over to Will and rubs Will's baby bump, feeling baby boy happily moving around inside.

"He is an active little guy. So sweet." RJ says to Will with a grin as he kisses Will's baby bump.

"He really is! I can't believe how active he is." Will says as he giggles at RJ making RJ smile.

"Are you ready for bed, babe?" RJ asks Will softly.

"Yes, I am. I am really tired and my back is starting to hurt." Will says as he rubs his lower back.

"Me too. Let's go lay down and relax! Sound good?" RJ says to Will as he kisses him a few times.

"Sounds really perfect to me." Will says to RJ with a big smile.

Will and RJ both walk upstairs together, both lay down in bed together and fall asleep for the night!

- Christmas Morning -
Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow are all awake for this very exciting day!

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