theodore's day out with daddy & papi!

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*Will and RJ take Theodore out for a one on one day! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree ❤️*

Today is going to be a very fun day for Theodore!

Today, Will and RJ are both going to take Theodore to Build A Bear to make a bear and then they are going take him to places he wants to go!

Both Will and RJ have been taking all of kids out one by one for some special one on one time with them!

Benji, Harlow and Coralei have already went out with Will and RJ and it is now Theodore's turn to go out with Will and RJ!  

Since baby Luca will be born in just a few weeks, Will and RJ both wanna make sure to take all four of the kids out for some special one on one time with Daddy and Papi, so they all feel very loved and not feel left out when Luca arrives into the Shepherd-Aguiar family!

While Will and RJ take Theodore out for his very special day, Will and RJ's best friend Jennine is going to babysit Benji, Coralei, Harlow, Dobby and Sammy for them!

Right now, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow are all happily sitting together in the living room with Sammy and Dobby while Will and RJ are getting dressed upstairs!

Harlow is sitting on the floor with Sammy and Dobby while Benji, Coralei and Theodore are all sitting together on the couch!

Sammy and Dobby both begin to lick Harlow's cheeks, making Harlow laugh loudly and smile.

"Dat tickles, Dob! Dat tickles, Sam!" Harlow says as she giggles loudly at Dobby and Sammy.

"Dobby and Sammy are giving you lots of kisses! Awe!" Coralei says to her baby sister happily.

"That's really cute!" Theodore says with a big smile.

"Sammy is really excited to meet Auntie Jennine today!" Benji says to Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.

"Yeah! Sammy hasn't met her yet! He is going to love her! Just like Dobby and all of us do!" Coralei says to Benji, Theodore and Harlow.

*Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's outfits*

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*Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's outfits*

"Auntie Jennine will LOVEEEEE Sammy a lot!" Theodore says as he giggles and smiles at Harlow, Coralei and Benji.

"Ya!" Harlow says as she claps her hands and smiles at Coralei.

"Hey, Teddy!" Benji says to Theodore.

"Yeah, bubba!" Theodore says to Benji with a big smile. 

"What kind of bear are you going to make today at Build A Bear, Teddy? I have a Darth Vader bear!" Benji says happily to Theodore.

"Harlow has a Dorothy bunny and I have a Jojo bunny, Teddy!" Coralei says happily to Theodore.

"Harlow has a Dorothy bunny and I have a Jojo bunny, Teddy!" Coralei says happily to Theodore

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