instagram q&a w/ rj

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*This is a new oneshot idea I was thought about doing! If you guys like it, please let me know! Please send suggestions! Love • Bree 🧡*

• Are you happy school is over for the summer? FUCK YES! It was really hard to manage two kids schooling, keeping two kids and two dogs occupied and plus having a premature birth of Luca

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• Are you happy school is over for the summer?
FUCK YES! It was really hard to manage two kids schooling, keeping two kids and two dogs occupied and plus having a premature birth of Luca. However we made it through and we complete the school year! 👍🏼📓

• What grades are the kids going to be in now?
Benji is in fourth grade, Coralei is in kindergarten, Averie is in pre-kindergarten and Theodore is in preschool! We may put Harlow in the Headstart program but we aren't sure yet! The kids are are growing up so fast! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

• Has Averie attended school before?
She has only attended a daycare in the past and that is not really teaching. So, Will and I will work with her this summer so she won't be behind! We got her tested to see what grade she should go into and she tested to go into pre-kindergarten which is amazing!

Averie is very excited to go to school! She can't wait!

• Do you guys have any summer plans?
Go out more and explore! We have been cooped up in the house due to the pandemic and due to Luca's early arrival, so this summer we wanna go our more!

Also, we will probably go to Florida to visit family and maybe Disneyland if they open up?

• Any more Shepherd-Aguiar kiddos in the future?
Nope, We are happily DONE! We are happy with the four biological and two adopted children we have! We are so happy to have SIX incredible, amazing and awesome kids! Six is plenty for us and we couldn't be more happier! 🧒🏻👧🏻👦🏻👧🏻👶🏻

• Who do you think Luca looks like? BTW he is getting so big and so cute!
Isn't he getting so big? 😭 Boy, formula makes babies really chunky, really fast! I forgot how chunky they get on formula, Coralei was the same way! 🍼

And I think he looks like Will with my skin tone! He still has a preemie look which he will have a while, but he is his Daddy's twin. 🥰

• Did your family and friend know you were adopting Averie or was it a surprise like Benji's adoption was?
Yes, everyone knew! We just couldn't show them pictures or videos of her! And with YouTube's strict guidelines, we didn't wanna risk talking about her and having her adopting not go through so that's why we didn't talk about her until she was officially ours 💖

• What is Will doing while you do this fun Instagram Q&A?
He is actual to taking a nice and much deserved nap on the couch! Luca is sitting with me and the other kids are in Benji's room watching him play Animal Crossing 🐵🙈🙈🙊

• How old is Luca now?
He is two months old now! 🥺 I don't remember what his adjusted age though! I think it is like a few weeks old or a month old? I am not sure how preemie things work! Will knows more about it then me! 💙👶🏻

• What are the plans for Averie's fourth birthday?
To throw her a BIG ASS birthday party and invite some of our friends over! 🎉🥳🎉

Then in a few weeks we are going to head to Florida to have another birthday party with just family!

We want Averie to feel really loved and special, she has never really felt that on her birthday before.

• What are the kids favorite summer activities?
Our six kids love to go swimming in the pool, playing with water slides, going to water parks / theme parks, going shopping and eating a lot of sweets! Our kids are very plain jane and they can easily be entertained! 😍

• What are the kids favorite colors?
Let me go ask them! I'll be right back! 😍

Okay, I asked all of them! Here is what they said!
Benji - Teal!
Coralei - Purple!
Averie - Purple, Pink and Yellow!
Theodore - Blue, Red and Green!
Harlow- Red and Pink!
Luca probably likes rainbows!

• Does Benji and Averie know they are biologically related to each other?
Benji fully understands that they are cousins, however Averie does not fully understand what that means still! Averie thinks cousin is a funny word 😂

Either way, they don't call each other cousins, they call each other brother and sister, which they are. 💖💙

• Do the kids know how to speak Spanish?
Benji has been learning it! He has an app on his iPad and he is learning it by himself and also with my parents help as well! I think he will definitely be fluent!

The other kids know how to count to ten, the alphabet, I love you, hi, thank you, please and excuse me!

We would like all of them to be fluent but if they aren't we won't be mad! 👍🏼😇

• What is Luca's favorite thing to do?
Luca's favorite thing to do is sleeping and he can sleep anywhere! But his favorite place to sleep is on somebody's chests or his swing!

• What are the kids zodiac signs?
Benji is a Sagittarius!
Coralei is a Libra!
Averie is a Cancer!
Theodore is a Pieces!
Harlow is a Virgo!
And Luca is an Aries!

Also fun fact, I am a Scorpio and Will is a Capricorn!

• Has Averie bonded well with you, Will and her siblings?
Averie is very close to Will and I already! She always likes to cuddle with us and talk! We are both very shocked that she bonded with us quick! With Benji it took him a few weeks!

As for her siblings, she is very close to Coralei and Theodore! The three of them play together all of the time!

Her and Benji have been bonding over Animal Crossing lately!

Harlow and Averie are starting to bond as well! Harlow is only two so she doesn't understand adoption very well! Harlow doesn't understand why Averie just showed up.

And as for Luca, Averie LOVES him! Averie always wants to hold him 😊

• Who in your life inspires you the most?
Will ❤️ Seriously, I'm not trying to be cutesy or anything. He's honestly one of the smartest and most resilient people I know. He's been through so much and yet he's managed to keep living his life. And he lives his life more fearlessly than any other person I've ever met. I don't just love him, I'm in awe of him. Sometimes I can't believe how lucky I am.

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