instagram q&a w/ will #2

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*Will answers questions from fans on Instagram! I hope you guys enjoy! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💙*

• How are the kids all doing? All six of the kids are all doing amazing! All six of them are happy, healthy and are having lots of fun being kids!

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• How are the kids all doing?
All six of the kids are all doing amazing! All six of them are happy, healthy and are having lots of fun being kids!

Benji is in soccer and LOVES it! He is the goalie this year and he is honestly is the best goalie! Coralei and Averie both do gymnastics together and they are in the same class which is precious! Theodore and Harlow are both deciding if they want to get into an activity! (They are 3 1/2 and 2 so I'm assuming not yet, but you never know!

And finally, Luca is a happy little man! He is 7 months old now 🥺 He has started baby foods and he is doing well with all of them! He also has been teething, poor baby boy 😭 But all of them are happy and healthy which is all that matters 😘

• Is Luca ahead, behind or right on track of his milestones?
Luca has been right on track for most of his baby milestones thankfully! We are all so happy that he is doing well with them! Most premature babies are behind on milestones which is very expected and very common. Luca did sit up on his own a little later then most babies because he was a few weeks premature. And we think he will walk after his first birthday which is perfectly fine with us. Luca is healthy and happy and that's all that matters to us. We could have lost him so to have a healthy baby is a miracle ❤️

• What are you guys doing for Benji's ninth birthday?
He is having a small Minecraft themed birthday party with his best friends and all of us! And then all of his best friends will spend the night and have a fun sleepover with him! Due to Covid getting bad once again, we wanted to keep the party small and plus Benji didn't want a big party either. (He acts much older then he is and it makes me so sad to see him be so mature and grown!) 🥺

• What grade are the kids in this school year and how are they doing in school?
Benji is in fourth grade, Coralei is in kindergarten, Averie is in pre-kindergarten, Theodore is in preschool and Harlow is in Headstart. All of them are doing really well and all of them love school! They go into school a few days a week and have virtual school a few days a week! It depends on what's going on! 😘

• Is Averie's adoption finalized or not yet?
Yes, her adoption is officially finalized and has been since mid July! Her adoption was very smooth and quick! We are so thankful to have her in our fam.

• Does Benji and Averie feel different because they are adopted?
No, neither of them feel different! Benji and Averie both have a positive outlook on being adopted which is really good 😭 Most adopted kids really struggle with it. Benji and Averie do go to therapy to help with PTSD and other things they have dealt with. They both know they are adopted and they both know/understand that I gave birth to Coralei, Theodore, Harlow and Luca. We tell them that they are still siblings and being "non biological" doesn't make them different to us. To us, they are Shepherd-Aguiars just like Coralei, Theodore, Harlow and Luca are. ❤️

• Do you have contact with Averie's biological family?
Sadly no ☹️. I wish we did to be honest, for her sake. Averie and Benji are cousins on Benji's paternal mother's father's side. I hope that makes sense to you all 😂 Benjj and Averie are related! I think they are second or third cousins? The only family members from Benji's paternal side we talk to are his grandmother (his dad's mom) and aunt (dad's sister) ❤️

• Is Benji close with his biological family?
Yes, he is! Benji is close to all of the adults in his biological family and all of the kids! Benji is one of the older grandkids! He is close to all of his cousins! A few of his cousins are coming over his birthday party sleepover too!

I am so glad he is close to his maternal grandparents. They still grieve the loss of their daughter (Benji's mom) so to be close with her child is very special ❤️

• Why couldn't anybody in Benji's biological family adopt him?
I won't get too deep into it due to personal reasons and to protect his biological family's privacy but basically a lot of them in his maternal family were struggling with their physical and mental health and as well as financially. They all wanted Benji to have happy life and not struggle like they are. And with his paternal side, his grandmother was in a an abusive marriage and knew adopting Benji wouldn't be healthy for him. (Luckily she is out of that marriage now!) We thought they didn't want to see Benji but in reality they wanted to be healthy before they seen him. They are all healthy now and they all have a loving relationship with all of us!

• What is RJ doing right now?
Right now, RJ is playing with Luca in the living room and I am currently watching them! They are so cute 🥺 Luca is obsessed with his color rings and blocks! Luca also loves stuffed animals as well! ❤️

• What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving and Christmas?
We are flying to Florida to celebrate the whole entire Thanksgiving week with our families! We are hoping Covid doesn't lock states down again 🥺 If we can't go to Florida we will just have a small Thanksgiving at home. For Christmas, we will have that as home like we always do! We are hoping some family can fly in to spend it with us but again Covid might ruin it 🥺

• Are you and RJ going to have anymore babies?
We are happily complete with our three boys and three girls! 😘 My birth experience with Luca was traumatizing so I don't know if I could go through another birth sadly :(

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