a fun sleepover! (pt 2)

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*Part two of the Shepherd-Aguiar sleep over! Thank you to BrianBadgerMay for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🩷*

The next morning, Benji, Maxwell and the twins Arya and Oliver are sleeping in, while Coralei, River, Averie, Theodore, Eden and Harlow are just up and are downstairs in the playroom.

River is talking with Theodore about animals, like the cats, rabbits and guinea pigs they have.

"We only have doggies!" Theodore giggles. "Astrid! Here!" He calls, and the dog comes over.

Astrid wags her tail and sits, letting both kids pet her.

Coralei is brushing her hair out, and chatting to Averie, Harlow and Eden.

Meanwhile, Luca runs into RJ and Will's bedroom. Both men are still asleep.

"Daddy! Papi!" Luca whispers, as to not wake Henry. Luci is awake, watching her big brother.

RJ yawns as he turns to face his son. "What is it?" He asks, voice groggy.

"Tengo hambre, ¿qué hay para desayunar? (I'm hungry, what's for breakfast?)" Luca asks, preferring to speak in Spanish if it's just RJ talking.

"No lo sé.. ¿Qué quieres? (I don't know, what do you want?)" RJ asks quietly.

"Huevos y fruta." Luca requests eggs and fruit, climbing next to Will.

"Maybe I can make waffles too." RJ smiles and gets out of bed, getting dressed in the bathroom.

Luca slides off the master bed and runs over to Luci's bed.

"Hi, Luci!" Luca says as he hugs as kisses his little sister, causing Luci to smile.

"Hi, Wuccy!" Luci says, trying her best to say Luca's name!

Will wakes up and smiles at Luci and Luca sitting together on her bed. Luca had the hardest time with Luci's arrival to the family because she took a lot of Will and RJ's time that wasn't used to take care of the twins.

But thankfully, Luca's jealousy has gone away and he's getting closer to Luci everyday.

"Pa pi!" Luci calls for RJ with a smile.

"Hi, Luci Goose! I hear you! Did you sleep well, baby?" RJ asks Luci as he picks her up.

"Daddy is awake too! Hi, Daddy!" Luca says, running up to the master bed and crawls up on it to sit next to Will.

"Hi, Luca. And hi, Luci!" Will says with a grin.

"Da da!" Luci calls for Will with a smile.

"Yeah! That's Daddy!" RJ says, pointing at Will.

"Hi, Luci! You are talking so much!" Will says with a big smile.

"Henry wake?" Luca asks Will as he crawls over to the bassinet and looks at his baby brother.

Henry is wrapped in a green swaddle and is still sleeping but is starting to stir awake.

"It looks like he's waking up. See how he's wiggling around?" Will says and Luca nods.

Henry blinks his eyes open, squinting at the faint sunlight in the room.

"Buenos días, Henry!" Luca says good morning sweetly.

"He can't say it back yet, but he hears you! See him looking at you?" Will asks.

"Yeah!" Luca smiles. He's in a good mood and is starting to appreciate having a baby brother.

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