build a bear day with the girls

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*Will and RJ take Coralei, Averie and Harlow to Build A Bear for a very fun day! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see in this book! I really need some ideas! Love • Bree 🐻🐻🐻*

Today, Will and RJ are going to take their three daughters, Coralei, Averie and Harlow to Build A Bear to make some special new stuffed animal friends!

Averie has never been to Build A Bear ever in her life, so Will and RJ both really want to take her there for a fun day! Averie is very excited to go to Build A Bear and to make a special friend just for her to have!

Will and RJ also wanted to take Coralei and Harlow with them as well, so it can be a fun girls day!

Averie is very close with her brand new sisters Coralei and Harlow and they are all best friends already!

Coralei and Harlow both love having another sister to play dress up, have tea parties and act as princesses with!

Will and RJ's very close best friend for many many years Jennine, is going to watch Luca, Theodore, Benji and the dogs Dobby and Sammy at the Shepherd-Aguiar house for Will and RJ while they take the girls out for a few hours of fun!

Will, RJ, Coralei, Averie and Harlow have all said goodbye to Luca, Theodore, Benji and Jennine and they are now in the car together and they are heading to the mall!

Coralei, Averie and Harlow are in their car seats in the back of the van and they are happily listening to music while RJ drives and Will is sitting in the passenger seat!

Coralei, Averie and Harlow are in their car seats in the back of the van and they are happily listening to music while RJ drives and Will is sitting in the passenger seat!

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*Coralei, Averie and Harlow's outfits*

"Who is the most excited to go to Build A Bear today with Papi and I?" Will asks the girls as he holds RJ's hand.

"MEEEEEE!" Harlow says loudly as she happily kicks her legs and claps her hands

"I AM! I AM!" Averie says as she holds up her hand happily. 

"Me too! Me too!" Coralei says as she smiles ear to ear.

"I am excited too! Build A Bear is a really fun place." Will says with a big cheeky smile at Coralei, Averie,  Harlow and RJ.

"I love Build A Bear too!" RJ says with a big grin at Will, Coralei, Averie and Harlow.

"Avy, do you know what animal you are going to make at Build A Bear today?" Will asks Averie with a cheeky grin.

"I wanna make a cool dinosaur, Daddy!" Averie says with lots of excitement.

"Oooo! That is going to be so cool, Avy! I can't wait!" RJ says with a big cheeky smile at Averie.

"I love that, Avy!" Will says with a big grin.

"What animal are you going to make, Harlow?" RJ asks Harlow with a cheeky smile.

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