luca meets his grandparents

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*RJ and Will's parents as well as Will's grandma visit and meet with Luca for the very first time! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree❣️*

Today is going to be a very special day in the Shepherd-Aguiar family!

Today, Will's mom Karen, stepdad Hank, Grandma Janice and RJ's mom Martha and dad Ricardo are all flying in from Florida to California to visit all of them for a few weeks and to help out as well!

Karen, Hank, Grandma Janice, Martha and Ricardo are all very excited to see Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore, Harlow, Dobby and Sammy!

But also, Karen, Hank, Grandma Janice, Martha and Ricardo are all extremely excited to meet baby Luca for the very first time and to get to know the little guy!

Karen, Hank, Grandma Janice, Martha and Ricardo are also going to help RJ and Will out, by taking care of the four older kids, the dogs and the housework, so Will and RJ can just focus on baby Luca and his NICU stay.

RJ is going to surprise Will today by bringing Karen, Hank, Grandma Janice, Martha and Ricardo to the hospital to meet Luca for the very first time!

Will absolutely has NO idea that Karen, Hank, Grandma Janice, Martha and Ricardo are flying in from Florida to California to visit!

Right now, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore, Harlow, Sammy and Dobby all just finished having leftover pizza lunch and now they are all cleaning up the dining room!

"Thank you guys for helping me clean up from lunch today!" RJ says to Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow with a huge smile.

"You're welcome, Papi!" Benji and Coralei both say in unison with big cheeky smiles at RJ.

"Welcome, Papi!" Theodore says with a big smile.

"Papi! Here you go! Here you go!" Harlow says as she hands RJ her empty sippy cup.

"Thank you so so much, Harlow!" RJ says to Harlow as he puts Harlow's sippy cup in the dishwasher.

*Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's outfits*

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*Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's outfits*

"Do you need Dobby and Sammy's food bowls,
Papi?" Benji asks RJ.

"Yes, I do, Bubba! I wanna wash them both out for Dobby and Sammy for dinner time later!" RJ says to Benji with a cheeky grin.

"Okay, Papi!" Benji says to RJ with a big smile.

"I get it, Papi! I get it for you!" Theodore says as runs over to the dog bowls.

"Me too! Me too, Papi!" Harlow says as she runs over to the dog bowls right behind Theodore.

"Thank you so so much, Theodore and Harlow! Thank you two for helping me!" RJ says to Theodore and Harlow with a grin.

Then Harlow and Theodore both happily bring over Dobby and Sammy's food bowls to RJ, so RJ can hand wash the both of them in the kitchen sink.

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