benji's winning hockey game

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*Benji's hockey team The Tigers, plays the championship game and wins it! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💛🦁🧡*

Today is a BIG day for Benji's hockey team the Tigers!

Today is the championship game against the Sharks! Whoever wins this last game will be the champions for their age division!

Benji is extremely excited that his hockey team has made it to the finals this year!

Last year the Tigers were in fourth place so to be in the finals this year is really awesome! Benji really hopes he and his team mates can beat the Sharks and be the champions!

Benji is getting dressed and ready to go in his bedroom upstairs while Will and RJ are getting Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all dressed and ready to go downstairs!

"Who is excited for Benji's championship hockey game today?" RJ asks Coralei, Theodore and Harlow as he vlogs all of them all standing together.

"MEEEEEE!" Theodore yells as he runs over to RJ and happily hugs RJ's legs.

"Me Papi! Me!" Coralei says with a big cheeky smile.

"MEEEEE!" Harlow says as she stomps around and giggles, making RJ also giggle. 

"Me too! We all have our yellow on for Benji's hockey team today! Go Tigers! Benji's hockey team is playing in the championship game today! So if Benji's team wins the game today, they are the champions for their age group! Benji is so excited to be in the championship game today! I think he had a hard time sleeping last night because he is so excited." RJ says to the vlogging camera with a chuckle and a smile.

"GO TIGERS!" Coralei and Theodore both say in unison with big cheeky smiles.

"GO GO GO!" Harlow says as she jumps up and down happily.

*Will, RJ, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's outfits*

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*Will, RJ, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's outfits*

Will walks over to RJ, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow and smiles at all of them.

"DADDY!" Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all say in unison happily as they all run over to Will and hug him. 

"Hey guys!" Will says as he kisses Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.

Will then hugs and kisses RJ, making RJ smile and blush.

"Hey, babe! Are you excited for the championship hockey game today, Will?" RJ asks Will as he vlogs him, making Will smile again.

"Yes, I am! I am so excited for Benji and this hockey team! Go Tigers! I am having so much heartburn right now. Luca must have so much hair." Will says to RJ and the vlogging camera as he takes a few Tums.

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