summer snowball fun!

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*Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca all go get a snowball, the first one od rhe summer! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🖤*

Today is officially the FIRST day of Summer Vacation for the Shepherd-Aguiar family! Today has been a very relaxing first day of summer! ☀️🌈

Will and RJ have been getting used to their new summer work schedules but they are managing it very well!

Will and RJ both can't wait to have a fun summer with Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow, Luca, Dobby and Sammy! 

Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow have all been happily playing together all day long!

Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow have been playing board games, painted, played with chalk, played with Play-Dog, played with games on the Nintendo Switch, played outside on the trampoline and they played with the hose and the slip and slide!

For dinner tonight, Will and RJ made breakfast foods, which the kids requested to have!

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow had pancakes, waffles, eggs, french toast and cinnamon rolls for dinner!

Right now, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow are all happily watching cartoons in the living room together while Will and RJ both clean up the kitchen from the dinner mess!

Luca is happily awake in his baby swing while Sammy and Dobby protectively sit next to him!

Both Sammy and Dobby have been very protective to all of the Shepherd-Aguiar kids but especially to baby Luca!

Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow are all watching Toy Story 3, which is a favorite movie in the Shepherd-Aguiar household!

Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow are all watching Toy Story 3, which is a favorite movie in the Shepherd-Aguiar household!

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*Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca's outfits*

"I love youuuuuu." RJ says softly to Will with a big cheeky smile.

"Aw, I love you too!" RJ says as he kisses Will a few times, making Will blush and smile.

"I really want a snowball with marshmallow on top right now." Will says softly to RJ.

"Oooo, that sound rally good! I think the snowball stand by our house is open! Do you want to take the kids to get a snowball?" RJ asks Will with a fun smirk.

"Sure! Sounds like a fun first day of summer outing to me." Will says to RJ with a cheeky smile.

"It does! Let's go do it!" RJ says with a big cheeky smile at Will.

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