life q&a: luci, henry, hank, family & more!

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*Will films a Q&A, answering all of the fans questions about Luci, baby Henry, Hank and much more! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! Enjoy! Love • Bree ❤️*

"Hey everyone! Long time no see! I'm sorry we haven't posted any videos since our little Easter vlog!  Life has been super busy lately but it is almost summer time so things will slow down! Today's video will be a Q&A video!" Will says as he waves at the camera and smiles.

"RJ and I have gotten so many questions about Luci, the new baby Henry, my stepfather Hank and much more, so we decided that a Q&A video would be the easiest to talk about everything! If you are wondering where RJ is, he is our grocery shopping with Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow. We really needed groceries and the kids were bored at home so RJ decided to take them with him! I'm sure they will bring many things home that we don't need, but that's okay!" Will says with a chuckle and a smile.

"I am at home right now because I've been so busy trying to clean and organize, I have been nesting like crazy. Plus, Luca, Luci, Arya and Oliver are all taking a nap. So let's get the Q&A started!" Will says as he grabs his iPhone and begins to look through the questions.

- Who is Luci and who is Henry?
"This is one of the top questions we have gotten during this whole Q&A, so I decided to answer this question first!" Will says with a grin.

"Lucille, also known as Luci is RJ and I's newly adoptive daughter! Lucille Margaret Shepherd-Aguiar. She was born on Christmas Eve and she is almost seventeen months old! Margaret was the middle name we gave her and my sister Erin found it for her. Lucille is her birth name so we kept it the same just like we did with Benji and Averie. Luci is her nickname and we call her that the most." Will explains to the viewers.

"And Henry is our new baby boy that is due in August but I think he'll be a late June or July baby, but that's another video for another day." Will says as he rubs his baby bump.

- When is Luci's birthday?
"Luci's birthday is Christmas Eve, December 24th. That happens to be my stepfather Hank's birthday as well, so it makes me smile. It's such a sign from him." Will says as Dobby barks in the background causing Will to stop the clip.

"When we brought Luci home, it was a month after her first birthday, so we had a very small first birthday party for her. You can't just not celebrate a birthday, especially a first birthday. Even though she will never remember it, I wanted her to have the memories from it. She didn't really enjoy the birthday cake or anything, but I think next year she will!" Will says with a grin.

- How did you find out about Luci? I thought you guys were finished adopting?
"We thought we were done adopting too! We were very content on adopting Benji and Averie and with our family. However, the universe had other plans for us! We found out about Luci an hour after Hank's viewing and funeral service was over. We all came back to my mom's house after the lunch we had after we buried him. My iPhone rang and it was Benji and Averie's social worker, Carrie. She calls to check in on Benji and Averie a lot because she is like family to us. However, when she called this time, I don't know I just had a weird feeling something was wrong and it scared me." Will says.

"So RJ and I talked to Carrie for a few minutes, catching up about everything that has been happening, especially with my stepdad's death. Carrie then says, Will and RJ, Averie has a little sister. When she said that, we were so shocked, we thought this was some prank or something. I think Carrie had to say it fifteen times for us to understand." Will says as Astrid jumps on the couch to sit with Will.

"Carrie then explains that Averie's biological mother didn't die when Averie was a baby like we originally thought but she died a few months after Luci's birth. So Luci and Averie's mother passed away a few months after Luci was born and that's why she was placed into foster care. Luci's bio father passed away before Luci was born. Carrie said she would have called us sooner to foster and adopt Luci, but Luci was in another county in the state so she didn't know she existed until she was moved up here to get services for her disability. We didn't have much information about Averie's mother until recently. Averie was with her father's side of the family when she was placed into foster care and adopted by us. Again, we don't talk about her biological fathers side because there was a lot a-b-u-s-e happening. Averie and Luci have different fathers." Will explains to everyone.

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