benji gets his ears pierced!

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*Benji spends one on one time with Will and RJ and gets his ears pierced! Thank you to BrianBadgerMay for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🥰*

"Will you take a bottle for Nana? Hmm?" Will says to Henry, holding the nine month old in his arms, walking around downstairs waiting for RJ and Benji to get ready.

RJ and Will are taking Benji out for the day, just the three of them to spend much needed time with the eldest Shepherd-Aguiar child. With him being 12, he is a preteen and is experiencing a lot of new things that his younger siblings aren't close to experiencing just yet - hormones, "dating", middle school and much more.

Will and RJ have both noticed Benji acting not quite like himself. A lot has happened during the past year, Hank unexpectedly passing away, Luci was adopted, Henry was born, Warren passed away from brain cancer and his bisabuela had a hard fall causing a mini stroke.

Will and RJ want to make sure Benji stays on track mental health wise. When Benji first came home he had tons of PTSD due to surviving a house fire (he still has small burn scars to prove it, thankfully they have gotten smaller and you can barely see them now), his parents drugs addiction and their deaths.

With lots of therapy and love, Benji has been thriving and he hasn't needed therapy for a few years now.

Will and RJ are going to take Benji to the mall to go shopping, go to Dave and Busters and maybe get his ears pierced. (He has been asking for a while and Will and RJ have told him no)

Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow are all watching a movie in the playroom while Luca, Luci, Arya and Oliver are taking a nap. Henry is suppose to be napping too but he decided to take his first nap much earlier in the day and isn't tired for his second nap yet.

"Da da ba ba!" Henry says with a big cheeky smile.

*Henry's outfit*

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*Henry's outfit*

Out of all of Will and RJ's biological children, Henry has been the only one that has exclusively breastfed for most feedings. Yes, Henry has taken bottles but it is NOT his favorite and puts up a fight.

Will and RJ have tried several times to go out on dates or whatever without Henry but he has refused to take a bottle.

Thankfully, the past two times Will and RJ have gone out for a date, Henry has taken a bottle for Karen.

"It's because you and RJ got the wrong type of bottle! He likes this kind!" Karen says holding up the small bottle, causing Will to chuckle.

"But that bottle is too small for him, Mom. He's almost ten months old he needs double the amount of breast milk or formula in there." Will says, fixing Henry's shirt.

"Well, I'll just fill it up twice or make two of these bottles that's all! Everytime he takes this bottle with no issue!" Karen says to Will.

"You spoiled him!" Will says playfully.

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