grandma janice has passed away

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*Will finds out that his Grandma Janice has passed away. Thank you to my friend JustJanielobsessed for helping me write this! Love • Bree ❤️*

Will is downstairs laying on the couch and he is currently crying his eyes out. Will just received the worst phone call he has ever had in his entire life.

Will's mom Karen just called him to tell him that his beloved Grandma Janice has passed away. She was seventy seven years old.

Will was extremely close to his grandmother, especially when he was growing up. She was there for him when nobody was, she was a friend when nobody wanted to be Will's friend and he was like the second parent he didn't have.

Grandma Janice had been sickly these last few years due to her getting older. However, she was healthy enough to fly with Will's parents and RJ's parents to meet baby Luca right after he was born and in the NICU.

But Grandma Janice had to fly back home because of the coronavirus and due to her health.

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca all flew to Florida just over a month ago to visit their whole family and for Averie to meet everyone since she hasn't met anybody yet.

Averie was adopted a month and a half after Luca was born and she didn't get to meet Will and RJ's parents while they were in town.

Will is extremely happy that Grandma Janice met her new great granddaughter Averie and great grandson Luca before passing away.

RJ and a very hungry Luca walk down the steps together the steps and they both see Will on the couch in a ball crying his eyes out.

"Will? Will? Baby? Baby? What's wrong? What's wrong, baby?" RJ asks Will softly as he and Luca both walk over to him.

Will begins to sob loudly making RJ instantly frown.

"M-my g-grandma passed away today." Will says as he bursts into more sobs and begins to shake like he does when he goes into a panic attack.

RJ quickly rushes Will's side and hugs Will tightly and comforts him as Will cries.

"It's okay, baby. Shhh, shhh, shhh. It's okay, baby." RJ says as he helps Will calm down from an almost panic attack.

Will calms down be he still remains upset which is very understandable at this point.

Just then, Luca then begins to cry loudly again in RJ's arms, wanting his night bottle.

"Look Luca! Look! Here is Daddy." RJ says in a babyfied voice as Luca calms down some.

"Let me make Luca a quick bottle and I'll be right back to talk, babe." RJ says softly as he lays Luca on the couch next to Will.

Will nods at RJ and sniffles loudly. RJ then quickly goes to the kitchen to make Luca his bottle.

Will continues crying and screams in his head with anger, denial, frustration and complete heartbreak. Will just cannot believe that his beloved grandma is now gone.

While Will is crying, he begins to try to tear a pillow in half but doesn't do it.

Luca looks up at his Daddy and begins to babble and coo, quickly getting Will's mind off of his destructive behavior.

"Ba ba ba. Ooooo." Luca says softly as he kicks his legs and wiggles around on the couch.

Will rubs Luca's hands and softly grins at his baby boy who is a true miracle in itself.

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