telling the kids about the new baby!

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*Will and RJ tell the kids about the new baby being on the way! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree ❤️*

Today is going to be a very special day in the Shepherd-Aguiar house!

Today, Will and RJ are going to finally tell Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow that Will is pregnant with Shepherd-Aguiar #5!

Coralei has actually been talking about wanting to have another baby sibling and she even wished for one on her fourth birthday a few weeks ago!

Will is currently fourteen and a half weeks pregnant with Baby Shepherd-Aguiar #5! Will is FINALLY starting to feel better and is not as nauseous anymore!

Also the other day, Will and RJ went to Will's fourteen week check up at the doctor's office and they got a few adorable ultrasound pictures of the new baby! Will and RJ are both really excited to finally tell the kids the very special family news!

However, Will and RJ both think that Benji already has figured it out that Will is pregnant because Benji knows what some pregnancy symptoms are from Will's last two pregnancies with Theodore and Harlow.

Right now, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow are all in the playroom together watching The Nightmare Before Christmas while Will and RJ are in the living room with Dobby.

Dobby is happily laying on the couch next to RJ and Will is currently making cute and very special little goodie bags for Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow to tell them the baby news!

RJ pulls out the vlogging camera and he begins to vlog Will finishing up Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's special goodie bags!

"Are you excited to finally tell them?" RJ asks Will in a whisper and Will smiles at him.

"I am! It is going to be great to finally let the secret out! I just hope that they can keep it together and not tell any family members until we go to Florida for Thanksgiving break." Will says in a whisper to RJ and the vlogging camera.

"I don't how much longer Will can hide his adorable baby bump he has! Show the camera your baby bump, Will." RJ says in a whisper as Will stands up and shows off his tiny baby bump happily.

Will rubs his baby bump and the RJ rubs it softly, making Will giggle and smile.

"Baby is getting big in there already! And I think I can feel little baby flutters too." Will says to RJ and the vlogging camera in a whisper.

"Aww, that is so cool!" RJ says to Will happily.

"It is very very cool." Will says as he smiles at RJ.

"Do you want me to call Bubba, Cora, Teddy and Harlow in now, Will?" RJ asks Will in a whisper and Will happily nods.

"Bubba! Cora! Teddy! Harlow! Come here! Come here! Daddy and I have something to give all of you guys!" RJ says as Benji, Harlow, Coralei and Theodore all happily run into the living room, where Will and RJ are both sitting.

Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all sit on the couch together and they all happily pet Dobby making Dobby feel very loved.

"Hi, Dobby!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore say in unison Dobby as they all pet Dobby and hug him.

"Dob! Dob!" Harlow says with a big smile as she pets Dobby's head.

"Aww, that is so sweet you guys! Dobby loves all of you!" Will says as RJ vlogs Benji, Coralei, Theodore, Harlow and Dobby all sitting together on the couch.

"Okay, guys! Are you ready to open up your special goodie bag?" RJ asks Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.

"YES!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore all say in unison with big smiles on their faces.

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