christmas + twin name reveal

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*The Shepherd-Aguiar's celebrate Christmas as a family! Benjamin is 10, Coralei is 6, Averie is 5, Theodore is 4, Harlow is 3 and Luca is 20 months! Enjoy! Love • Bree ❤️🎄💚*

"Who is ready to go downstairs?" RJ asks the kids as he vlogs them, patiently sitting on the steps waiting to head downstairs to see if Santa came to their house the previous night.

"YES!" Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow all say in unison to RJ and the vlogging camera with big smiles on their faces.

"YA YA YA!" Luca says as he jumps around and runs over to RJ, hugging his legs.

RJ plays with Luca's light brown hair and Luca smiles up at RJ and the vlogging camera.

"I am ready too! We are just waiting for Daddy! He is going to the bathroom." RJ says to the kids.

*Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca's Christmas pajamas*

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*Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca's Christmas pajamas*

"The twins make him go potty a lot!" Averie says to RJ as he vlogs her.

"Yeah! Pee pee and poo poo!" Theodore says, doing fart noises causing Benji, Coralei, Averie, Harlow and Luca all laugh loudly.

RJ also laughs at Theodore's potty humor, thinking it's hilarious.

"I cited for the babies!" Harlow says as she claps her hands in excitement.

"Me too!" Coralei says as she hugs Luca and Luca hugs her back,

"How many Christmas presents do you guys think Santa brought all of you this year?" RJ asks the kids, trying to keep them occupied while they all wait for Will.

"I think there are a thousand presents, Papi!" Coralei says as she smiles.

"That is a lot of presents, Cora! I don't think a thousand Christmas presents would even fit in our house!" RJ says as Coralei giggles.

"Maybe eight or ten presents each! So that's like forty or so presents in total!" Benji says, already knowing since he helped Will and RJ wrap!

"Hmmm, maybe, Benji!" RJ says as he winks at Benji and Benji smiles.

Benji found out that Santa wasn't real last year which devastated Will. However, Benji loves that he can help find his siblings Christmas presents! Will and RJ still keep Benji's Christmas presents a surprise from him!

"Two pwresents, Papi!" Harlow says to RJ, holding up two of her fingers.

"That is not that many Christmas, Harlow!" RJ says as he and Harlow both giggle at each other.

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