visiting bisabuela at the hospital

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*Will and Benji both go visit Benji's bisabuela Luciana who is in the hospital getting treatment for breast cancer. Please send suggestions on what you wanna see in this book. Enjoy! Love • Bree 💙*

Right now, Will and Benji are heading to the hospital to visit Benji's great grandma Luciana who is in the hospital getting treatment for breast cancer.

Right now, Will and Benji are heading to the hospital to visit Benji's great grandma Luciana who is in the hospital getting treatment for breast cancer

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*Benji's outfit with blacks shorts*

Luciana has been doing chemotherapy for a few months and she now just had a double mastectomy surgery.

Luciana is being visited and helped at the hospital by Delores and Paulina, who are her daughters and they are also Benji's grandma and aunt!

Benji is extremely close to his biological maternal side of the family and the whole family is close to Benji as well as his siblings, Will and RJ!

Only Will and Benji are going to the hospital because the hospital doesn't allow guests under ten years old to visit people right now so that's why Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca can't go.

Benji is almost ten so he can get away with it, shhh don't tell the hospital that though.

So while Will and Benji are at the hospital visiting, RJ will be home with Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow, Luca and the dogs Dobby, Sammy and Astrid!

Will begins to vlog himself and Benji in the car together. Benji is listening to music on his iPhone while Will is driving to the hospital.

"Hey guys! Long time no seen! I know we haven't really vlogged our summer at all and we are sorry about that! RJ and I have both been really busy at our jobs. But luckily we are both still able to stay home, which is great because childcare is so expensive no a days!" Will says as he fixes his hair.

"Luckily our work days aren't too long! We are usually done by lunch time. So after work, RJ, myself or the both of us take all of the kids out swimming in our pool or we go out somewhere to have fun! We didn't do anything last summer due to the world being shut down, so this summer we want to make some memories and just have fun! However, we are still remaining extremely cautious and safe since we are still in a pandemic everyone!" Will says as he drives and talks at the same time.

"Yeah, Covid isn't gone! People think it's gone but it's not! People are still getting Covid and people are still dying!" Benji says to the vlogging camera and Will nods. 

"That's right, bub! Plus, none of our kids are old enough to get the Covid vaccine yet. Only RJ and I were able to get it. Benji is going to be ten in November but you have to be twelve to get vaccinated. Coralei is almost six, Averie is five, Theodore is four, Harlow is almost three and Luca is fifteen months!" Will says as he turns the wheel of the car.

"Hopefully I can get a Covid vaccine soon!" Benji says with a cheeky grin.

"I hope you can too, bub! Anyway, so we are heading to the hospital to visit Benji's bisabuela Luciana, who just had surgery a few days ago! She has been fighting breast cancer and she has been doing well! She did chemo for a few months and today she had her breasts removed to make sure it doesn't come back. She is going to be at the hospital for a week or so before coming home." Will says to the vlogging camera.

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