a very special thanksgiving surprise

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*Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow are in Florida for Thanksgiving! Send suggestions! Love • Bree 🦃*

Today is Thanksgiving!

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow are all in Florida for the week to celebrate Thanksgiving with their family!

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow are all in their hotel room and they are getting ready to head to Will's mom and stepdad's house for Thanksgiving dinner!

Will is currently seventeen weeks pregnant today and he is absolutely feeling great! He feels Baby Shepherd-Aguiar #5 kicking and moving around in his belly a lot! Will and RJ are both getting more excited and happy about their new family addition that is coming in May.

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow are all dressed and they are almost ready to go!

"Teddy, let me brush your hair a little bit, bud!" Will says as he calls for Theodore.

"Otay, Daddy!" Theodore says with lots of excitement at Will as he happily runs over to him.

Theodore then happily sits on Will's lap and Will begins to brush out Theodore's hair.

"Da da da da da!" Harlow says as she claps her hands and smiles at Will.

"Hi, princess! Hi! What are you doing over there, silly girl? What are you doing?" Will asks Harlow in a babyfied voice as he watches her.

"Ba ba ba ba ba!" Harlow says as she giggles and smiles at Will.

"Don't touch Papi's wallet! No no, Harlow. No no, baby girl." Will says as Harlow happily plays with RJ's wallet and tries to get the money out.

"RJ! Harlow is in your wallet!" Will says playfully to RJ as he laughs at him.

"Harlow Scarlett! Do you want my money, princess?" RJ asks Harlow playfully.

"Ya!" Harlow says happily to both Will and RJ.

Will and RJ both giggle, smile and laugh at little Harlow.

*Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's outfits*

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*Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's outfits*

Will then begins to style Theodore's hair with some hair gel, making Theodore chuckle and smile at him.

"There you go, Teddy! All done, bud!" Will says as he kisses Theodore's cheek.

"Thank you, Daddy!" Theodore says to Will happily.

"You're welcome, Teddy! Hey Bubba, do you want some hair gel in your hair too?" Will asks Theodore.

"Yes, Daddy!" Benji says with lots of excitement.

"Okay, bud! Come here!" Will says with a big cheeky smile as he begins to style Benji's hair.

"Coralei! Do you want a little Elsa braid, princess?" RJ asks Coralei with a smile.

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