averie's 4th birthday

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*Will, RJ, the kids and some of their friends celebrate Averie's fourth birthday with her! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🌈💖😘*

Today is Averie's FOURTH birthday and birthday party!

Today is also Averie's first ever birthday living with Will and RJ! Averie has been living with Will and RJ for a few months now!

Averie is very excited to have a special birthday party just for her! Averie has never had a birthday party before so this will be her first ever birthday party and she can't wait!

Averie woke up her usual 5am time and was cuddled back to sleep by Will and RJ! Averie absolutely loves to be cuddled by Will and RJ!

Once everyone woke up for the day, Will and RJ made Averie special princess pancakes and she really LOVED them! Averie wants to eat them all of the time now.

And now, Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca are all getting dressed and ready for the very special birthday party for Averie!

And now, Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca are all getting dressed and ready for the very special birthday party for Averie!

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*Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca's birthday outfits*

"Happy FOURTH birthday, Averie!" Benji snd Coralei both say in unison to Averie with big smiles on their faces.

"Thank you, Benji and Cora!" Averie with a big cheeky smile at Benji and Coralei.

"You're welcome!" Benji and Coralei both say in unison to Averie.

"Happy birfday, Avy!" Theodore and Harlow both say in unison to Averie happily.

"Thank you, Teddy and Harlow!" Averie with a big cheeky smile.

"Yay!" Theodore and Harlow both say in unison to Averie with big smiles on their faces.

Luca coos loudly at Averie, making, Averie giggle and smile at Luca.

"Aww, Luca is saying happy birthday, sissy!" RJ says as he holds Luca in his arms and Luca continues to coo happily at Averie.

"I love Luca so so much!" Averie says as she kisses Luca's cheeks making Luca coo some more.

"Aww! And Luca loves you, Avy! We all love you, Averie!" Will says Will a big cheeky grin.

"Love you!" Theodore and Harlow both say in unison to Averie with big smiles.

"Love you, Averie!" Benji and Coralei both say in unison to Averie happily.

"I love everyone sooooooo much!" Averie says making, everyone smile happily at her.

"Love you, Avy!" Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow all say in unison to Averie with big cheeky smiles on their faces.

"Okay, guys! Let's all go downstairs and wait for everyone to come over!" RJ says to Will, Luca, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow.

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