a fun sleepover! (pt 1)

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*Will and RJ invite some of the kid's friends over for a sleepover! Thank you to BrianBadgerMay for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree 💜*

The Shepherd-Aguiar kids are hosting a sleepover for the first time. Benji, Theodore and Coralei have invited a few of Joey and Daniel's kids -- Maxwell, River and Eden.

The six kids were close in age or the same, but they all got along well with everyone.

The older Preda children are busy or at other friends' houses, and the youngest ones are too little to stay the night.

"Papi! Are they here yet?" Theodore asks, bouncing on his feet happily.

"Not yet! But soon!" RJ smiles, holding Luci on his hip.

"I'm too excited!" Theodore says with a grin.

"I know! But when Max, River and Eden get here, we can have dinner and you can all hang out later." RJ promises him.

"AAAAAA!" Oliver yells as he wobbles around as he holds some cars.

"Ba baaaa!" Arya yells back, wobbling around next to Oliver trying to take the cars.

"Are you two arguing with each other? Huh?" RJ asks the twins playfully.

*Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Luci, Arya, and Oliver's outfits*

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*Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Luci, Arya, and Oliver's outfits*

"Is River here yet?" Averie yells happily as she and Coralei happily run over to RJ and Luci.

"Not yet! Max and Eden are coming over too!" RJ says, causing Coralei and Averie to smile and cheer.

"I'm sooo excited for the sleep over!" Averie says as she twirls around.

"Me too!" Coralei and Theodore both say in unison.

"Pa pi." Luci says softly to RJ, causing RJ to smile.

"Yes, baby girl?" RJ asks Luci as he smiles at her.

"Ba ba." Luci says, pointing at a bottle that's on the dry rack.

"You want some milk in your bottle? I'll get you some milk, baby." RJ says, kissing Luci's cheek and she smiles.

RJ makes Luci a bottle of milk while Luca and Harlow walk into the room.

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