looks like we'll be having a baby soon!

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*Will films a quick update about his pregnancy and about the kids! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree ❤️*

"Are you buckled in, Harlow bear?" Will asks Harlow as he fixes his glasses and hair in the mirror.

"Uh huh! I'm buckled up, Daddy!" Harlow says as she happily moves her feet, kicking up and down.

"Great job! You are such a big girl!" Will says, blowing Harlow a kiss, causing her to smile

"Yeah! I am! I'm going to kindergarten soon!" Harlow says as Will chuckles at Harlow's excitement to finally be in "big girl school" along with Coralei, Averie and Theodore this upcoming school year.

"That's right! You graduated pre-k and Theodore graduated kindergarten a few weeks ago!" Will says as Harlow smiles ear to ear.

"Are we having a fun summer so far, Harlow?" Will asks Harlow with a grin.

"Uh huh! Wots of swimming and friends and ice cream!" Harlow says, clapping her hands with lots of excitement.

"We have been swimming a lot, eating lots of ice cream and hanging out with friends! Coralei and Averie are at Luna, River and Eden's house! We will pick them up later!" Will says to Harlow and the vlogging camera.

"We are waiting for Bubba too!" Harlow says with a big grin.

"That's right, we are waiting for Benji! He is coming! He had to make sure his braces were clean." Will explains to Harlow.

"Uh huh!" Harlow says.

"Benji just got braces a few weeks ago. It's not because his teeth are crooked because his teeth are pretty straight on their own but he has a slight over bite and the orthodontist wants to correct it now and not wait later. Benji thinks braces are cool and was excited to pick out the colors. Transition has been pretty good! He will probably have them on for about a year or two, but we will see!" Will says as Benji walks outside and gets into the car.

 Transition has been pretty good! He will probably have them on for about a year or two, but we will see!" Will says as Benji walks outside and gets into the car

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*Benji and Harlow's outfits*

"Hi, Bubba!" Harlow says as she smiles and waves at Benji.

"Hi, Harlow!" Benji says, smiling back at Harlow and waves at her.

"Are we ready to go to run some errands?" Will asks Benji and Harlow.

"YES!" Harlow yells with excitement. 

"Yup!" Benji says with a big grin.

"Okay! Let's go!" Will says as he begins to drive! 


"Today I am running some much needed errands with Benji and Harlow! RJ is back at home because Luca and Luci are having speech therapy today and Luci is also having occupational and physical therapy as well. I'll make another video on updates on Luci but I'll just say that she is walking now! Everyday she's getting stronger and we think she'll be walking mainly in a few more months which is very exciting." Will explains to everyone.

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