benji's sick day

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*Benji gets sick at school and he has a sick day with Will. Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💙*

Will is currently getting Harlow and Theodore dressed to head out of the house.

Will wasn't planning on leaving the house today. Will's plan today was to work from home, do the laundry and to hang out with Harlow and Theodore.

However, Benji's elementary school just called him up to tell Will that Benji is throwing up and he needs to be picked up and to be taken home to rest.

Will just got Theodore dressed and ready and he is now getting Harlow dressed and ready to go.

"Teddy, let's get going bud! Grab your shoes! We gotta go pick up bubba from school." Will says as he fixes Harlow's shirt and her jeggings.

"Da da da da!" Harlow says as she smiles at Will and plays with Will's shirt collar.

"Hi, baby girl. You look so pretty today!" Will says as he kisses Harlow's cheek.

"Ya!" Harlow says as she claps her hands with excitement.

*Harlow and Theodore's outfits*

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*Harlow and Theodore's outfits*

"Why? Bubba stay in school for a while!" Theodore asks Will in confusion.

"Bubba is sick, Teddy. He doesn't feel good and he needs to come home." Will explains to Theodore.

"Oh! I got my shoes, Daddy!" Theodore says with a big smile.

"Good boy! Let me help you get your shoes on!" Will says to Theodore as he sits Theodore next to Harlow.

"Okay!" Theodore says happily to Will as Will puts Theodore's shoes on.

Will then puts Harlow's little boots on making Harlow giggle and smile.

"Okay, you two! Let's go get Bubba from school." Will says to Theodore and Harlow.

"Go go go!" Harlow says as she happily walks around.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Theodore says with a big cheeky smile.

"Okay, let's go!" Will says as he holds Theodore and Harlow's hands.

Will, Theodore and Harlow all load up in the car and Will drives the ten minute drive to the elementary school to pick up Benji!

Will, Theodore and Harlow just picked up Benji from his elementary school! Benji has thrown up three times already.

Benji is sitting in the passenger seat holding a small trash can Will brought from home while Theodore and Harlow are sitting in their car seats in the back.

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