saying goodbye to grandma janice

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*Will, RJ and the kids all say their last goodbyes to Grandma Janice. Thank you so much for JustJanielobsessed for helping me write this! Send suggestions on what you wanna see. Love • Bree ❤️*

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca have all arrived in Florida last night to be able to attend Grandma Janice's viewing and funeral service today.

Right now, RJ is helping Luca, Theodore and Benji get dressed, while Will is doing Harlow, Averie and Coralei's hair!

Right now, RJ is helping Luca, Theodore and Benji get dressed, while Will is doing Harlow, Averie and Coralei's hair!

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*Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca's outfits*

"Papi! Are we gonna see Gwrandma today?" Theodore asks RJ happily.

"We are going to see Grandma. Just her body though." RJ says softly to Theodore, even though Theodore doesn't fully understand because he is only three years old.

"Will she look sick, Papi?" Benji asks RJ, understanding more about funerals since he is the oldest of the kids.

"She will look like she is sleeping in bed. She will have a pretty dress on and her hair that she has will be all done and pretty. She won't have her glasses on though. Her body will feel cold but that is normal. And don't worry, she isn't going to jump out and scare you. Her spirit isn't in her body anymore." RJ says to Benji.

"Yeah, her spirit is in heaven now." Benji says with a grin and RJ nods back at him.

Just then, Harlow runs into the room holding her black dress up in the air, not understanding that's not "lady like".

"Harlow Bear, put your dress down!" RJ says as she giggles with her paci in her mouth.

Coralei and Averie both walk into the room behind Harlow happily and they are holding each other's hands.

"You three girls look sooo pretty in your matching dresses!" RJ says happily to Coralei, Averie and Harlow.

"Thank you, Papi!" Coralei and Averie both say in unison to RJ with big smiles.

"Fank you!" Harlow says as she hugs RJ tightly.

"You're welcome!" RJ says to Coralei, Averie and Harlow.

Will walks out of the bedroom and looks in the mirror and fixes his bow tie. Will then puts his black jacket on.

"You might not need the jacket, babe. It is hot as balls outside." RJ says as he picks up Luca from his swing and holds him while Will shrugs his shoulders.

"This is my first funeral that I can remember. I'll take it off though." Will says to RJ softly.

"Well, keep it with you because it is going to be cold in there." RJ says as Luca coos loudly, making Will and RJ both smile.

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