seeing luca for the first time

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*Both Will and RJ both meet their miracle baby boy for the very first time! Thank you to my bff Thefeelz1234 for helping me write some of this! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree ❤️

It has been a few hours after Will's emergency c-section to save his and his baby Luca's life.

Will is finally stable enough to be wheeled down in a wheel chair to the NICU to see his and RJ's third son for the very first time.

Will is very excited but also extremely nervous at the same time to see baby Luca. Will doesn't know what to expect and he is afraid that Luca is going to be a very sick baby in the NICU.

RJ briefly saw Luca right after his was born, but he wanted to wait to truly see him close up with Will by his side.

RJ and Will are both sitting together in Will's hospital room, waiting for Will's new nurse to arrive to take the both of them to the NICU to visit with Luca. RJ is sitting in a rocking chair while Will is slightly sitting up in bed.

"How do you feel right now, babe?" RJ asks Will softly.

"I feel okay. I feel better then I did earlier. My stomach muscles really fucking hurt though." Will says to RJ as he groans a little.

"Aw, I am really sorry, babe. I wish I could make your pain go away." RJ says to Will with a small frown.

"It's okay, babe. It is worth it because it saved both Luca and I's lives." Will says as he holds RJ's hand and RJ smiles at him.

"Aww, that is true." RJ says to Will as he kisses Will's hand and rubs it.

Will and RJ both continue to talk small talk while they wait for the nurse to come in!

A few minutes later, a nurse walks into Will's hospital room!

"Hello! My name is Lorelei and I will be your nurse for the morning shift!" Lorelei says as she introduces herself to both Will and RJ.

"Hello, Lorelei!" Will and RJ both say in unison to Lorelei.

"I just called up to the NICU and your son is all settled in and is doing well up there!" Lorelei says happily to a Will and RJ.

"Aww, that's good!" RJ says with a big proud smile at Lorelei.

"Can we go up and see him?" Will asks Lorelei curiously.

"Of course we can! Do you think you can handle it?" Lorelei asks Will.

"Yes, I'll be okay!" Will says to Lorelei.

"Okay! If you are feeling a lot of pain or feel dizzy, please let me know!" Lorelei says to Will.

"I will!" Will says to Lorelei.

Lorelei and RJ both carefully get Will out of bed and into a wheel chair.

"Are you okay, babe?" RJ asks Will, making sure he is okay.

"Yup, I'm good." Will says to RJ with a smile.

Lorelei then begins to push Will in the wheel chair to the NICU with RJ following right behind.

Lorelei, Will and RJ all get in the elevator and head to the fifth floor, where the NICU is!

"What is the baby's name?" Lorelei asks Will and RJ with a big smile on her face.

"His name is Luca." Will says proudly, making RJ smile happily.

"Luca Everett Shepherd-Aguiar!" RJ says to Lorelei happily.

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