random family vlog!

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*Will and RJ film a family vlog about their life as a family of eight plus two dogs! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🌈

Today is Saturday at the Shepherd-Aguiar house!

Will films a small clip of himself rocking Averie back to sleep in a rocking chair. Will is smiling at the vlogging camera and Averie is slightly snoring as she lays on his chest.

Will does a voice over during this part of the vlog!

Hey guys! So this first part of the vlog I am just rocking Averie back to sleep. She LOVES to be rocked and it is very comforting to her. RJ and I usually have to rock her back to sleep every night which we don't mind at all. It is a bonding experience for us. For some reason Averie wakes up super early every single day at around 3-5am. Sometimes she doesn't wake us up and she stays in her room and she is awake for hours before any of us wake up! If anybody has any advice to help Averie stay asleep until 6:30-7am, please let RJ and I both know! We hate that she wakes up at 3-5am and has troubling going back to sleep everyday.

Will then kisses Averie's cheek and smiles at her while she peacefully sleeps.

A few hours later, Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca are up for the relaxing day!

Will is having a plain bagel for breakfast, RJ is having waffles while Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow all happily eat their favorite cereals!

Luca is happily drinking his morning bottle that RJ is feeding him!

Will begins to happily vlog Benji, Coralei, Averie,
Theodore and Harlow all eating cereal!

Harlow is having Fruit Loops, Benji is having Frosted Flakes, Theodore is having Honey Nut Cheetos and Coralei and Averie are having Fruity Pebbles!

"Hi, camera!" Benji says with a big cheeky smile at Will and the vlogging camera.

"Hi, camera! Hi!" Coralei says with a big cheeky smile at Will and the vlogging camera.

"HIIIIII!" Averie, Theodore and Harlow all say in unison with big smiles at a Will and the vlogging camera.

*Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca's outfits*

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*Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca's outfits*

"Hey guys! Good morning! How is your breakfast this morning?" Will asks Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow.

"YUMMY!" Averie, Theodore and Harlow all say in unison with big smiles on their faces.

"Good! I love cereal!" Benji says as he giggles and smiles at Will and the vlogging camera.

"Good!" Coralei says with a big cheeky smile.

"The kids all chose to have cereal for breakfast this morning so that's what they are all having! I am having a plain bagel with cream cheese and RJ is having waffles! Good morning, babe!" Will says as RJ smiles at him.

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