my dad passed away. recconecting with my dad after ten+ years

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*Will's father passed away in real life so I wrote about it here. I don't know much about why they got estranged and how they reconnected so this is my guess. For the longest time I thought Will's brother was from both parents (maybe it still is but idk tbh) so that's why I included him in chapters for years and gave him an alias name. Now I know his brother was from his Dad and will now use his real name. Idk if I'll keep the fake brother I made in the story or not I might to make it easier. 😅 Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! ❤️*

The video begins with Will sitting on the couch with Henry in his arms, feeding Henry a bottle.

"Hello, everyone. No time no see. I think the last time we were on here was when the kids went back to school we did a little vlog for their first day." Will says to the camera.

RJ joins Will and sits next to him, rubbing his back for support.

"By the title of this video you will probably be shocked, confused and sad for us which are all valid feelings. It's been a rough few weeks for our family and now we are ready to talk about it." RJ says as Will nods.

"Almost two years ago, my dad was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer called Glioblastoma and two weeks ago, he passed away. I've had a really hard time with it. It's been a rough year with losing Hank and now my dad, I'll definitely be going back to therapy again to help get through this. It's just been a lot but I am ready to talk about it some on here because I know you guys have seen the pictures on Instagram and are confused. If I was a fan of a YouTuber and their family I would be confused too." Will says as he wipes Henry's mouth before feeding him some more.

"This may come as a surprise to all of you because we never really talked about Will's dad except in the beginning of our YouTube channel, way before we got married. These past few years we have been reconnecting with Will's dad's side of the family and especially with Will's dad and stepmom. We haven't publicly talked about this because they are very private people and we respect their privacy very much, just like with the rest of our family. But we did film with them to make memories for our kids and for us." RJ explains.

"We started to reconnect right before Luca was born so almost four years ago. My dad remarried an incredible woman named Lynette and she actually contacted me on Facebook to try to get my dad and I to reconnect. I think my dad wanted to reconnect but didn't know how to even go about doing it and meanwhile I was just trying to live my life and heal from my childhood and raise my kids differently. So Lynette knew the situation with my dad and I somewhat, my older brother told her about it too and I feel like she kinda set them both straight and that's how we reconnected." Will says as RJ nods as Luci crawls over to him and RJ picks her up.

"We won't go into details because that's private information about why Will got estranged from his brother and dad but I think we talked about it a little bit before. It doesn't matter now because everyone has moved on and I'd say healed and now we have moved forward. Lynette actually said she and Will's dad Warren watched our vlogs to see the kids and to see us and to learn about them and us. Which kinda made us feel sad because that's not a way to know your grandkids, son and son-in-law." RJ says as Luci closes her eyes to fall asleep, causing Will to smile.

"We did talk about my dad and I but it was a longggggg time ago. Right before we got married I think. But I always kept a relationship with my brother Little Warren as he's called by everyone since he is named after my dad, but we weren't super close. However, we would talk occasionally and try to send each others kids presents. I'd say we are a lot closer now." Will says as Henry burps on Will's shoulder.

"Excuse you!" RJ says playfully to Henry, causing Will to laugh.

"And I also wanna say that I think I was able to even do this because I went through lots of therapy, lots of healing and self discovery. And maybe even growing up some and becoming a father myself. Oh and getting sober definitely helped as well." Will explains as he holds Henry and rubs his back.

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