averie + daddy date!

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*Will and Averie both go out on a little lunch date together to spend much needed time with other! I hope you guys enjoy this short and fluffy oneshot. Love • Bree 🥰💜*

Will and Averie are both in the car and they are heading to Cheesecakes Factory for a special daddy daughter lunch date!

Will has decided to take Averie out for a very special day because she has been really wanting to spend some much needed time with just Will.

Will thought the request from Averie was very adorable and he agreed to take Averie on a special date!

Right now, Will is driving to Cheesecake Factory while Averie is happily playing with Will's iPhone in the back seat!

Right now, Will is driving to Cheesecake Factory while Averie is happily playing with Will's iPhone in the back seat!

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*Averie's outfit*

Averie is posing for lots of selfies, making Will giggle and smile at her.

"Are you taking some silly selfies, baby?" Will asks Averie with a grin.

"Uh huh! I took some really silly selfies, Daddy! Just for you!" Averie says to Will, making Will awe and smile at her.

"Aww! That is very very sweet, baby! Thank you so so much!" Will says to Averie with a smile.

"You're welcome, Daddy! I love you!" Averie says to Will with a cheeky smile.

"I love you too, Avy!" Will says to Averie as he blows her a kiss and Averie blows one back.

"Daddy, what's Papi, Bubba, Cora, Teddy, Harlow and Luca doing while we are out?" Averie asks Will as she fixes her boots.

"They are all having a fun day together just like we are! Papi planned a fun day for Bubba, Cora, Teddy, Harlow and Luca!" Will says making Averie smile.

"That's good, Daddy!" Averie says happily as she kicks her feet.

"It is good!" Will says to Averie and Averie giggles.

"Daddy! I am glad that you and Papi adopted me!" Averie says happily.

Will nearly tears up with Averie's statement. Averie's adoption was different then. Benji's.

Averie was home three weeks after Will and RJ met her for the first time and she was adopted a few months after that! Averie was also adopted during a crazy time in Will and RJ's lives.

Luca was born a six weeks premature, he and Will almost died due to a placenta abruption, Will and RJ's marriage wasn't on the best terms and Grandma Janice wasn't doing well.

"And Papi and I are so glad, so happy and so blessed to have adopted you, princess! You make our family so much more fun and happier!" Will says making Averie giggle and smile.

Averie fully understands she is adopted and she knows that Will didn't give birth to her. But to her, she was so happy to have a family that loves her unconditionally and wants her.

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