instagram captions #16

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*Even more very cute Shepherd-Aguiar family pictures! Send suggestions! Love • Bree 💖*

• These are going to be from Will's account🌲 They are in no particular order! •
own your happiness. 🌿☀️🌧
dad to benjamin elliot 🧒🏻 coralei violet 👧🏻 theodore robert 👦🏻 & harlow scarlett 👶🏻 ❤️

*Picture of Dobby laying with Will on the couch*
- i am getting some dobby snuggles this morning ☀️🐶😍

*Picture of Benji wearing his hockey uniform and he is smiling*
- it is time for hockey season! bubba can't wait! 🏒🥅

*Picture of Harlow doing a kissy face at Will*
- my little kissy girl 💋

*Picture of Coralei sitting at her desk at school*
- baby girl is ready for school today! 💖

*Picture of Theodore and Will in the hospital together. Theodore has a hospital gown on and Will is sitting next to him. They are both in a hospital bed*
- teddy got his ear tubes today 💙👂🏻hopefully no more ear aches and ear infections 🤞🏻

*Picture of Coralei sitting of her unicorn balloons and she is happily eating her unicorn cupcake*
- happy fourth birthday, coralei violet 💜🦄 I can't believe you are four years old already! you are such a miracle baby and you will always be so special to me, coralei. happy birthday, cora bear 👧🏻🐻

*Picture of Benji, Will, Harlow, Theodore, RJ and Coralei all sitting together on stacks of hay*
- 🎃🎃🎃 pumpkin patch day 🎃🎃🎃

*Picture of RJ and Will from their college day*
- #throwback to our college days together. young and inlove 😇💕

*Picture of Theodore giggling and smiling at Will*
- he hasn't felt any ear pain since his ear tube surgery and it makes my heart so happy 😭👂🏻

*Picture of Will happily laying in his bed*
- i am so happy to be home today ☺️ i am so freaking tired! 💤

*Picture of Benji with his soccer team holding up a gold trophy*
- champions! so proud of bubba and his team! 🥇⚽️🥇

*Picture of Harlow eating mashed potatoes happily*
- harlow's all time favorite food right now is mashed potatoes 🥰🥔👧🏻

*Picture of Benji and Theodore sitting together in the playroom playing Fortnite*
- teddy is learning how to play fortnite with bubba 🧑🏻🎮👦🏻

*Picture of Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all hugging Dobby*
- bubba, cora, teddy and harlow love dobby so so much 🧑🏻👧🏻👦🏻👧🏻🐶

*Picture of Will, Harlow, RJ, Theodore, Coralei and Benji. Will is holding Harlow and RJ is holding Theodore*
- family is everything❣️

*Picture of Will sitting at his desk at work*
- i am so sleeeeeeepy and wanna go homeeeee 😴💤

*Picture of Coralei and Harlow sitting together in the grass with leaves all around them*
- my two pretty girls! 💜❤️

*Picture of Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all playing in the leaves together outside*
- 🍂 fall fun 🍂

*Picture of Will and Benji together in Benji's classroom. Will is kneeling by Benji's school desk*
- bubba was so excited for me to be volunteering in his class today! 😘

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