day in the life vlog!

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*Will and RJ film a day in the life vlog!
Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree ❤️*

- 7am -
Will begins to vlog himself and Will waves at the camera as he fixes his bed hair and puts his glasses on.

"Hello everyone and welcome to the day of the life of our family! It is currently 7:05am and I am about to head downstairs to make breakfast for Benji and Coralei because it is a school day for them. Today is Wednesday by the way, yay it is hump day. RJ is getting ready for work so let's see what he is up to in the bathroom." Will says to the vlogging camera with a grin.

Will then vlogs himself walking over to the master bedroom, where RJ is dressed and is ready for work.

"Look at this handsome fella this morning. Good morning, RJ." Will says as he smiles at RJ.

RJ then smiles at Will and playfully waves at the camera.

"Good morning! You slept through all of your alarms today. Will literally has ten alarms set on his phone and Will slept through every single one of them." RJ says with a chuckle to the camera and Will.

"I know, I am soooo freaking tired. I just can't get enough sleep, I don't know what is wrong with me honestly." Will says from behind the vlogging camera.

RJ then playfully gives Will a look, knowing why Will is very tired, but Will doesn't wanna announce he is pregnant to the whole world just yet.

Will really wants to tell his and RJ's families together when they fly to Florida for Thanksgiving which is in a few weeks.

"You look very nice today, babe. I love that outfit on you." Will says, making RJ's cheeks blush a little.

"Thank you! And you look nice in your sweats and a baggy shirt." RJ says playfully to Will, making Will giggle.

"I know, I need to change into something else but I'll do that when I'm finished making Benji and Coralei's breakfast." Will says as he yawns making RJ chuckle.

"Harlow and Theodore are both still sleeping, that's good. I think both of them are having growth spurts." RJ says to Will.

"Definitely. Oh, can you take Coralei to preschool today? I have to get Theodore and Harlow to Dr. Dimick's office by 9:30 and I won't have time to get Coralei to preschool and then get to the doctor's office in time." Will says to RJ.

"Yup! I can do it. What's the doctor's appointment for again?" RJ asks Will.

"Today is Harlow's one year check up and I am going to have Dr. Dimick look at Theodore's ears because I think he has an ear infection. He is constantly playing with both of his ears." Will says to RJ and the camera.

"He might need ear tubes. Ryan had them growing up, it isn't a big deal." RJ says to Will as he kisses Will's cheek.

"I know. I think my brother had ear tubes too. It is just scary for a little kid to have surgery." Will says with a slight frown to RJ.

"I know, but he will be just fine if he needs to get them. If they are going to help him then we should do it." RJ says to Will and Will nods in agreement.

"If she says she recommends them for Teddy then I'll set it up." Will says to RJ and RJ nods.

"Do you want me to wake up Benji and Coralei so you can take Dobby out and get breakfast going?" RJ asks Will softly.

"Yes, please. Thank you." Will says as he softly kisses RJ's cheek.

"You're welcome." RJ says to Will with a small grin.

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