welcoming luca

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*Will and RJ welcome their third son and last child together! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💙*

Right now, RJ and Will are both in the car and they are heading to the hospital because Will hasn't been feeling well all today and Will just wants to make sure that he and Luca are both doing okay. Will is currently thirty three weeks pregnant with Luca.

RJ and Will left Benji, Coralei, Theodore, Harlow, Dobby and Sammy with their best friend Jennine while they go to the hospital to get Will and Luca checked out.

RJ and Will are both hoping that they are not going to at the hospital all night and that they don't have to get admitted.

RJ sets the vlogging camera on the car's dashboard and he begins to vlog himself and Will.

"Hey guys! So Will hasn't been feeling well at all today. I don't know if it is a cold or the flu or something else. Will has been super tired and just lethargic today. Will has also been feeling some contractions through out the day and he hasn't felt Luca move a lot." RJ says to the vlogging camera.

"I called my midwife Hailey a little bit ago and she said to head to the hospital and she and Dr. Riley will meet us there. She just wants to make sure this isn't something else serious. So that's why we are heading to the hospital. Also, Luca just kicked by the way. But I just feel weird and off, so I wanna get checked out." Will says to RJ and the vlogging camera.

"Well, we will try to film as much as we can during our hospital stay! Hopefully today isn't baby day! He isn't due for another seven weeks!" RJ says to the vlogging camera.

"If he was born today he wouldn't be in the NICU very long to be honest. Maybe a few weeks. Not months and months." Will says softly as he begins to feel a contraction and squeezes RJ's hand.

"Yeah, that's true! But we don't want a baby in the NICU." RJ says to Will as he holds Will's hand.

"No, definitely not. That would be so sad." Will says to RJ and the vlogging camera.

"Well, we will see you guys in a little bit." RJ says as he turns off the vlogging camera and continues to drive to the hospital. 

I decided to stop vlogging here because things got crazy really quickly and it wasn't appropriate to film.

Right when we got to the hospital, Will's placenta began to rupture and Will began to bleed.... a lot. Like a ton. It was terrifying to see all of the blood.

Dr. Riley said that Luca needed to be born QUICK due to the placenta rupture and to save both Luca and Will's lives.

So Will was rushed into the operating room to have an emergency c-section to save his and hopefully Luca's life as well.

I was unable to be in there to watch the birth of Luca and Will was knocked out so he couldn't watch it either.

I was so terrified, thinking that I was going to lose both my husband and our unborn son.

I thought about a single dad to either four or five kids and Will not being there. It was a horrifying thought to think about.

I began to pray, something I haven't done in years, since I am not religious.

In a lot of these placenta rupture cases, the baby dies due to lack of oxygen or is born with a lot of brain damage.

Luckily, our baby boy Luca came out kicking and crying very strongly which was a great sign that nothing was wrong with him.

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