a fun fourth of july!

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*Will, RJ and the kids have a relaxing Fourth of July at home as a family! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree ❤️🤍💙*

🇺🇸 Today is Fourth of July! 🇺🇸

Today is going to be just a relaxing and very fun Saturday at home for the Shepherd-Aguiar family!

Since COVID-19 cases are slowly rising again, Will and RJ both want to stay home as much as they can so none of them get sick, especially baby Luca who was born premature.

Right now, RJ is cooking a Fourth of July inspired breakfast, while Will is feeding baby Luca his morning bottle!

Dobby and Sammy both just had their breakfast and they are now cuddling with each other on the living room floor.

Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow are all happily playing in the playroom together while they wait for breakfast to be done!

"Good boy, Luca! You drank your whole bottle this morning! Good boy!" Will says softly in a babyfied voice to Luca as he sets the bottle down and he begins to burp Luca on his shoulder.

"Breakfast will be done in a few minutes!" RJ says with a big grin at Will and Will smiles at RJ.

Will then happily smells the pancakes and fruit and smiles ear to ear at RJ.

"Mmmm, it smells really really good, RJ!" Will says happily to RJ.

"Thank you! I made it kind of patriotic for the holiday today!" RJ says as he giggles loudly at Will.

"Aww, that is really cute!" Will says with a grin as he continues to burp Luca on his shoulder.

Luca finally burps loudly, making Will and RJ both giggle and smile at him.

"Good job, Luca! Good boy!" Will says in a babyfied voice as he kisses Luca's cheek.

"You are getting so big, luca! Yes, you are! Yes, you are!" RJ says on a babyfied voice at Luca and Luca coos loudly at the both of them.

RJ then finishes up cooking breakfast for everyone!

After a few more minutes of cooking and filling plates up with food, it is now time for breakfast for the whole Shepherd-Aguiar!

"Breakfast is all done! Here you go, babe! Enjoy!" RJ says as he places Will's plate in front of him.

"Mmm! This looks absolutely amazing! Thank you so much, RJ. I really appreciate it." Will says with a big grin at RJ.

"You're welcome! Enjoy!" RJ says as he kisses Will a few times and a Will kisses RJ back.

RJ then walks out of the kitchen and walks near the playroom to call for the kids!

"Bubba! Avy! Cora! Teddy! Harlow! It is now time for breakfast!" RJ says as he calls for the five older Shepherd-Aguiar children!

"YAY!" Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow all say on unison as they all run into the dining room where Will is sitting with Luca laying in his arms.

"Hi, Daddy and Luca!" Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow all say in unison with big smiles on their faces.

"Hi, guys! Happy Fourth of July!" Will says with a humungous smile at Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow.

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