two wild! it's harlow's 2nd birthday!

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*Harlow turns two years old and has a small birthday party with just family members! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💖💚❤️*

Today is Harlow's SECOND birthday and birthday party!

Will and RJ cannot believe that their youngest daughter and their fifth child, Harlow Scarlett Shepherd-Aguiar is now two years old!

It feels like just yesterday that Will gave birth to Harlow peacefully at home and in the warm water in the birth pool.

Harlow is in Headstart and goes to school two days a week, she is a proud big sister to baby Luca, she is an active and happy toddler who loves to dance, loves Peppa Pig, loves animals, loves to get dirty and loves music!

Will and RJ have both decided to just invite family members to Harlow's second birthday party because they didn't want to risk any of their family members getting sick before most of them have to fly.

Will and RJ also invited Benji's biological family members because they are family to them as well! Benji's biological family treat Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca as family just like they do Benji!

Will and RJ both wanted Harlow's birthday to be intimate and not crazy like most birthday parties for little kids are!

Will and RJ finished putting up all of the birthday party decorations up last night and they both can't wait to see Harlow's face!

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca are all getting dressed and ready for Harlow's birthday party!

Will is helping Harlow get dressed and ready while RJ, Luca, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Dobby and Sammy are all downstairs waiting for Harlow and Will to be ready!

Will is helping Harlow get dressed and ready while RJ, Luca, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Dobby and Sammy are all downstairs waiting for Harlow and Will to be ready!

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*RJ, Will, Harlow, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Luca's birthday outfits*

"Are you guys excited for Harlow's birthday today?" RJ asks Benji, Coralei, Averie and Theodore.

"I am, Papi! I am!" Averie says with a cheeky smile at RJ.

"I am too, Papi!" Coralei says happily as she chuckles at Averie and RJ.

"I so excited for Harlow's birthday party, Papi!" Theodore says with a big smile.

"I am excited too, Papi! I can't believe Harlow is already two years old!" Benji says as he smiles and giggles loudly.

"Daddy and I can't believe it either! All of you are growing up so fast!" RJ says to Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Luca.

"Baaaaa baaaa." Luca says as he plays with RJ's nose making Benji, Coralei, Averie and Theodore all laugh and smile at him.

"You are growing so so big! Yes, your are! Yes, you are!" RJ says in a babyfied voice at Luca, making Luca smile and giggle.

Dobby and Sammy both happily runs over to RJ making RJ smile at them.

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