benji turns nine!

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*Will, RJ, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow, Luca and Benji's friends all celebrate Benji's ninth birthday together! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💚🖤*

Today is Benji's ninth birthday party!

Today, Benji is going to have a small Minecraft themed birthday party and invite all of his best friends over to celebrate! Since Covid is getting bad again, Will and RJ still wanted Benji to have a birthday party to celebrate his big day, but have a smaller one than they usually have.

All of Will and RJ's family members and close friends have mailed in all of the birthday presents for Benji so Benji can open them all today on his birthday and at his birthday party!

Also, all of Benji's best friends are going to spend the night and have a fun filled night full of talking, playing games and lots of sweet treats!

Benji has only seen his best friends at school whenever students are allowed to go into school which is a week or two at a time, so to have all of them come over and spend the night has made Benji very excited and happy!

Right now, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow are all hanging out in the living room while Will and RJ are finishing up decorating the downstairs with many many Minecraft birthday decorations! 

Luca happily crawls over to Benji and Benji smiles ear to ear at his baby brother Luca!

"Hi, Luca! Hiiii!" Benji says as he picks up Luca and sits him on his lap.

Luca claps his hands playfully at Benji, making Benji giggle loudly.

"You are silly, Luca! Silly silly silly!" Benji says to Luca and Luca laughs loudly.

"Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba!" Luca says as he hugs Benji and Benji hugs him back.

"I love you, Luca!" Benji says to Luca with a smile and Luca smiles back.

"Ba ba ba!" Luca says to Benji happily.

"Happy birfday, Bubba!" Harlow says as she hugs Benji tightly and kisses his cheek.

"Thank you, Harlow!" Benji says with a big smile at his baby sister. 

"Happy birthday, Bubba! I wuv you!" Theodore says as he hugs Benji.

"Thank you, Teddy!" Benji says as he smiles at Theodore and then tickles his stomach making Theodore laughs loudly.

"Yeah! I wuv you too!" Harlow says to Benji as she smiles.

"I love you both very much!" Benji says to Theodore and Harlow with a grin.

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