rj's birthday full of surprise!

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*Will, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow, Luca and even the dogs Dobby and Sammy all celebrate RJ's birthday with him! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🎈🎁💟*

Today is RJ's birthday!

Today, RJ and Will will just have a small and relaxing birthday celebration at home!

But first, Will and RJ are going to the car dealership to get RJ's brand new car! This was a gift he has been wanting to get himself for years and he finally did it!

Will begins to vlog himself as he drives himself home from dropping RJ off to get his brand new car at the dealership. Will turns on his vlogging camera and he waves at the camera with a cheeky smile.

"Hi, guys! How are you all doing? I hope all of you are staying safe and staying home if you can! Luckily both RJ and I are so thankful to have jobs that let us stay home and be with our kids who go to school part time and virtual school part time. It just depends on the number Covid cases that have been happening on how many days they go into school and how many virtual says they have. Lately, there has been a lot of virtual school days which the kids hate but we have to stay safe." Will says with a little frown.

"Anyway, I am heading back home and RJ will be back home as soon as he signs the paper work to his new car he got! Yes, RJ finally bit the bullet and got a new car for himself after procrastinating for years. I have been telling him to just do it and he said "No, not yet" and he got on my nerves with that! I think he thought he had to get a big family car like I have and I told him no. We don't need two big family cars. I'll be home working probably even after this pandemic, so I'll just have the family car. So once I said that, he finally did it and got himself a new car. He is sooo excited and so happy and I am happy for him too. RJ took Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow to see the car the other day and they all love it too. It is going to be a great car if one of us just wants to take one or two of the kids out or just going out by ourselves. It is really nice! I took a picture of RJ with it!" Will says with a big grin.

"He named his car Pearl which I think is a really cute name actually!" Will says as he fixes his glasses

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"He named his car Pearl which I think is a really cute name actually!" Will says as he fixes his glasses.

"Our best friends Jennine and her husband Stephen are watching the kids and the dogs for us while I dropped off RJ to get his new car and for me to run another errand!" Will says with a big smile.

"So a few weeks back, another friend of ours invited us to meet her foster dog she was fostering to help her be around kids, babies and other dogs! Her name is Astrid and she is the sweetest dog ever! All of the kids really liked being with her and so did Dobby and Sammy. But for RJ, he just fell in love with her. I saw his face light up the same sway it did when we adopted Dobby and Sammy. Here is a picture of her we took during the visit!" Will says with a proud smile.

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