Healer pt.1 ☆

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- healing powers
- Bucky and Luna are married. They have a son named Ronan
- they live in the New York Avengers tower (most of the time)

Warnings: Burns, Kidnapping


Last edit: 8/23/23

I lay on the hard ground, the cold concrete a stark contrast to my body's unnatural heat. My hips tried to shift for a second, but my skin cracked and started to gape open. Groaning loudly in regret, my voice only reverberates back at me. Only then do I truly realize the magnitude of the situation.

More than half of my body is covered in burns, with charred skin flaked around my joints. Thick handcuffs are secured around one of my arms and up to a metal pipe that protruded from the wall.

"You woke up. That's a good sign." My head snapped towards the voice, small sounds of pain following.

"What do you want?"

The person sat next to my head on the ground and began running their fingers through my hair. The action brought awareness to how much shorter it is now. I barely had the energy to pull my head away from his palm.

"Can you use those powers anymore?"

"What?" I slurred, trying to lift my head up enough to make out a face in the shadows.

"Heal this wound." He commanded, and skin hit my fingertips. It felt like a thigh that had been cut pretty shallowly, but the blood around it had already started to dry and crack.

"No. It'll kill me. You need me."

"You were asked to do something. I wouldn't want to bring Ronan into this."

My eyes widen at the memory.

It was a summer day, and Buck was busy with a meeting. This wasn't out of the ordinary. Ronan and I always go to the park on Wednesdays. The was record breaking hot and sticky, so Ronan pulled me towards the popsicle stand. Someone stopped us and asked me to help them find his dog. He had a leash in his hand and looked like he had been walking, so I took Ronan's hand and followed him to where he said he last saw the pup. It wasn't that deep into the park, just behind a few trees. Before I could stop him, a hand was over my mouth, and a chloroform rag to my nose. Then I woke up here, alone.

"You leave my son out of this."

"Then get to work, bitch."

I put my hand on the leg, trying to transfer some healing to him. The man watched as my breathing grew faster, and the cut slowly lifted from the tough leathery skin. With a scoff and a shove of his boot, he kicked me away. The action misplaced any control I had left within me.

"We'll have to try some more."

"I'll kill you. He'll kill you." I threatened in a whisper as I leaned my head back down.

"Let him. When they come for you, we'll take their abilities too. All in front of you. Winter Soldier will be the first, removing that arm can't be too hard, but I know it will be bloody. Iron man blasted it off. Maybe we can replicate that too."

"Stop it!"

"And then that friend of yours. What was that motherfucker's name? Clark? Clint? The team already figured that one out. We just have to gouge those eyes. Imagine aiming an arrow blind. Try taking care of his kids blind. And deaf! Ha!" His laugh was maniacal as he kept switching his gaze from the hallway to me patiently.

"I swear to God."

Another person entered the room carrying something. I couldn't move anyways so when the fire touched my skin I just screamed in agony. My tears evaporated as they left my eyes. All I can do is just hope Ronan is far enough where he can't hear me, so he isn't scared. I need him to stay brave, to be alright, he's only four. He doesn't need to hear this. He doesn't need to be hurt.

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