Banana pancakes ☆

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A/n: been having bad writers block. This isnt great but at least its something. Have a great week. Stay hydrated lovelies.

He trudged into the living room, his hair in a bun, pieces falling to frame his face perfectly. I can hear the scuffle of his sweats that are a bit to long and curl under his heels.

"Bucky, go back to bed"

"But I can't" he slurred, wiping his eyes. Still clearly tired. He had a nightmare last night, the first one in a long time, and hadn't gotten much sleep.

"Buck, go to bed"

"Make me"

I scoffed, setting my tea down on the coffee table. I stood up, sauntered over to the super soldier and started pushing him back down the hall towards my room.

He showed up on my doorstep, scared the shit out of me, and was just standing. He didn't want to be seen as weak, but he didn't trust himself to be alone after his nightmare, so he came to my house and got nervous to knock.

I gave him my bed and took the couch, not ever going back to sleep, but instead watching some movies.

"I don't need the bed, I can take the floor"

"No, stop arguing with me, Barnes" I pushed him further, down into my bed, watching his suprised face at my unusual strength.

I started to walk out of my room, leaving him to his sleep before I heard his heavy voice "I can't be alone. Stay"

I turned back and it seemed his whole demeanor had changed. It was terrifying and as someone who's seen him on death's door this is almost scarier.

He had his head in his hands, his eyes down, lips half parted, even his breathing seemed off.

I turned, without thinking crawled into bed next to him. He looked shocked, but then didn't say anything as he layed down next to me. The day was early and neither of us had to work so eventually we both fell asleep.

I woke up to him nuzzled into my side, making me smirk. Normally I'd tease him but, for now... I'll let it slide.

"Sorry" he mumbled.

"You're warm"

"It's okay" I said, rolling into him, wrapping my arms around his head, pulling him closer.

~ ~ ~

I woke up, alone. Wrapped in a sea of my own blankets. I wiped the hair out of my face, still groggy from my heavy sleep. I wipe my eyes as I stand up, stumbling through my apartment to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and put my matted hair into a clip.

I moved into my kitchen, going into the fridge and grabbing a few cuties.

"Good morning"

"Fuck me, Barnes!" I yelled, stumbling back into my counter. I forgot he was here.

"Give me the chance" he smirked from the small table in my dining room.

I smiled back, sitting across from him. Peeling the orange in my hand and popping a piece in my mouth.

"Have you ate?"

"No, but I'm okay, I don't usually eat breakfast anyways" He's brooding.

"Let's go get breakfast" I grab my keys not letting him argue.

"Y/n, I think I'm just going to go to the tower, workout, clean my apartment"

"You're going to the tower on our day off?" I counter, grabbing my wallet and bag.

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