Safe ☆

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Warnings: 🚩SEXUAL ASSAULT🚩 plz do not read if that is triggering for you. know that you can dm me if you ever need someone to talk to.

Vomiting, scrapes, burns

I stumbled on the sidewalk, tripping and smashing my face into the concrete. I just need to get home. I feel something in my stomach and it's gonna come up. Hate throwing up. I hate throwing up. I shook my head, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Ma'am? Ma'am, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just fell"

"Oh, okay. You need anything?"

"No. I just- I just need a second"

"Okay. Be safe"

I shakily stood up, putting my hand against the window of the shop next to me. After a few seconds of breathing I continued, just a block, then turn down... what street was it again? Green. Green street. Then it's the red apartment building, room 107. I know how to get home.

Reading the street sign, it's all blurry, I think.... I think it's the right one. I turn down this street and it does look familiar, that's a plus. My knees are wobbly as I try to keep going, just another few hundred feet, and I'm home. I don't want him to be upset with me.

Finally I can see the light splaying from the door and onto the sidewalk. The yellow letters that spell, "Parmer Apartments"

I half laughed, "Made it"

I tumbled down, my body seemingly giving up on me. Hands and knees, already scraped, now making red marks on the concrete. Till I plopped myself next to the brick outside, laying my back on it, looking out to the street while pulling my dress over my knees as much as I could.

My phone rang. I sorta forgot I had it, I guess. When I picked it up his voice rang through, "Hey, Doll. It's been a while since the party was supposed to be over and... I haven't heard from you. You gonna to be home soon?"

"I am... home"

I heard a faint laugh, "Doll, you aren't home. Do you need me to pick you up?"

"No. No, Buuuck, I'm hommme" I giggled, the sing song tone of my own voice seeming to cause it.

Another laugh, he's gonna be upset, "No. You're drunk. Come on, you promised me"

I shook my head, that feeling returning and therefore my hand to its place over my mouth. Tears falling down my cheeks. I don't want to throw up.

I set the phone down quick and turned over, throwing up on the concrete outside this building. My stomach muscles taught, drool or vomit on my chin, tears escaping my eyes, and to top it all off my breath pausing with each heave.

"You're worrying me, is there someone else there that I can talk to? I just wanna help. Get you safe, okay?"


"Okay, tha-"

"Buck, listen to me, I'm home. I'm-"

"I am home, Doll. So unless you turned invisible, then you're not here. Where are you?"

"Please don't be upset with me"

"What?! I'm not upset"

"Are you sure?" I cried, crossing my legs as the cold nipped at my bare thighs. My hand shook as it held the phone to my ear.

"Yeah. Yeah. Doll, you just wait there. I'll find you, okay? I'm not upset"

"Please don't be upset with me. I'm sorry"

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