🍋 Teaching 🔨

704 7 3

Been holding onto this one since Jan 14

Warnings: teasing, biting, face fuck, bondage, exhibitionism, make outs, finger fucks, hickeys, hair pulling, choking



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*Thors pov*

I leaned over, trying to be sly, "So, how do I start? I mean, Gods don't really... do this. But I want to make her happy, to please her, make her release for me"

"Okay, chill out, bud" Natasha laughed.

Y/n moved through the kitchen, making her tea. She loves tea, the way it feels, the way it tastes.

"Well... what do I do? I can't keep looking at her while her body calls for me like that"

"Thor... just watch this" Natasha mumbles walking up to an unknowing Y/n. Natasha spoke softly, slowly creeping her hand onto Y/n's hip, then under her shirt on her back.

"Natasha, what are you- um-"

"What? I can-" Natasha starts to pull her hand away.

"No! I was just- Thor- I'm confused"

"Confused? Or..." Natasha reached up, her hot breath grazing Y/n's ear, "flustered"

Natasha's hands snuck under Y/n's shirt, and I want to be the one doing it. When Natasha turned her head, Y/n's eyes fogged with lust, "It doesn't take a lot of dirty talk to make her blush like this"

"Wha- Are y-"

"I asked her to teach me. Is that okay?" I ask, taking a few steps closer.

"Look, she's going red, how cute" Natasha place a perfectly manicured nail on Y/n's cheek. Natasha took my hand, my palm out, and slid it up Y/n's shirt, clenching her fingers around mine to show me what to do. How to grab her pretty chest. What her soft skin feels like on mine.

"Now... a lot of what you do is up to you. Or her. But most of the time, Y/n likes to listen. She likes to be taken care of. She knows that we know best"

"You're so soft, so pretty" I whispered, still focused on the cup of her bra.

"Just wait till the fabric is gone"

"When do we-"

"Not yet. You'll learn. Y/n needs a little warming up. Not only that but she makes pretty noises and faces"

"So what do I do?"

Natasha had pressed Y/n against the kitchen counter, dragging fingertips along her thighs. Natasha smirked, then continued, "Those lips, bring them here"

Natasha brought a gentle finger to Y/n's cheek, directing her to turn into a gentle kiss, which turns more passionate, both of them pushing into each other. Y/n's hands seemed unsure, hovering around the kitchen counter behind her.

The agent pulled away, leaving Y/n breathless, chest heaving under my hand. I pulled away, just watching for a while, trying to stay more focused on learning than on how I'm feeling.

"Look and listen, these are called hickeys. Y/n enjoys them here, this spot" she tapped sultrily. A few inches above her collarbone, next to the vein.

When Natasha put her lips there Y/n shuddered, her head dropping, lips parting. This is what I wanted. Her vulnerability.

"Shouldn't we go somewhere? The bed?" I ask, curious why Natasha hasn't pulled us down the hall.

Natasha smiled, nipping at her skin, then backing up, "Y/n, do you wanna go?"

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