Drunk Explanations 🐍

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I busted into his floor, walking through to the kitchen. Loki was already there, his apron on, his hair pulled back. I ignored his greeting, moving past him and rummaging through the cabinets.

"I want to get drunk, where's the Asgardian stuff?"

"No" he simply responded, his eyes never leaving the sauce in the pan on his stove.

I stood up, "Loki?"

"It's too strong. It's too much"

"I need something strong" I murmured, moving around pots and pans to look for his stash. I know he has some. It's just a matter of where exactly it is.

Ever since Steve broke up with me I haven't been able to handle being fully aware, always asleep, or drunk. I don't think it's just that he broke up with me, but everything else too. I can't be aware of my own thoughts anymore, it's too much.

Loki's my bestfriend, I trust him to take care of me while I'm drunk, and Asgardian liquor is so tasty and it works so fast.

"You have to deal with the pain, Y/n. I can't continue to watch you live like this, you're not even fully here anymore"

He finally turned from the food, looking at me with somber eyes. I huffed, looking over to the cabinets in the living room.

"I'm not in pain. I'm fine. He left me. I'm better off without him. I've always been better independent. But right now, some Asgardian Ale will make me feel better, and I'm doing what I need to feel better"



At least she's here where I can make sure she's alright. At least I can be there for her.

As much as she doesn't see me as the one she loves.


He poured me a small glass, the brown liquid flowing smoothly from the container. Loki's lips were pressed together as he did this, afterwards he went back to the kitchen and finished his dinner.

Eventually after my first drink everything seemed to hum. Loki sat down in the living room across from me with his noodles, he looked up at me every few minutes before finally asking, "How was your day?"



"Hmm?" I hummed as I took the jug of Ale off the table between us, unscrewing the lid and pouring a much more full glass for myself.

"Alright, that's enough!" Loki commented as I put the glass to my lips. I shrugged and let the warm liquid shake my senses.

"I was asking you why your day was shit"

"Well I woke up... alone. Then I couldn't find the energy to get ready, my teeth and hair are still unbrushed. Then I went downstairs to go to the store and was asked by about seven civilians why I would do that to Steve.... what did I do? I DON'T KNOW!" I yelled. Waving my glass wildly, pulling my feet close to my body.

"I thought you said you don't need him. That you're fine"

"I am... I am."

"No you're not"

"How was your day?" I ignore his argument, slipping slowly into my highly drunk state, all of my emotions kicking into full gear.

"Well mine was good, I made my meals, I watered my plants, and I read some of the book I've been reading"

"Fuck you"

"What's your problem?! This is why I don't let you have Asgardian Ale!"

"What did I do to him? Am I not worth it anymore? Did- Did I become to much work for him?"

"Y/n..." he took the glass from my hands, moving the container away.

"Really. He saved me in every way you can be saved. Was it too much? Am I too broken?"

"He just can't see how good you are, Y/n. He's blind to the pure godliness that is you. I can't understand... You aren't too broken"

"You are ridiculous!"

Loki angrily grabbed the container of ale and downed himself a glass.

"Yeah. I am. But I speak truth"

"What's the point? Truth. Lies are so much more fun"

He laughed, "You sound like me" he raised his hand at me, standing up.

"Is that so bad? Lies make me feel better, just like that Ale" I giggled, he moved to sit next to me. I leant against the arm of the couch, slurring, "That Ale does wonders"

"You are a sip away from trashed" he mumbled, pulling my shirt up so I wasn't revealing myself too much.

"Was he tired of me?"

"Steve is an idiot. You have to get these ugly thoughts out of your mind. Understand you are too good... too kind to dwell on this darkness"

"I'm tired of me. I can't stand this identity. I can't stand the person I've learned to become"

"What do you mean, darling?" Loki asked, leaning back and relaxing, his hands behind his curly raven hair like I had on his couch. Creating a lingering attitude in the air of drunkness and leisure.

"When you are arrrround the same people for years... they know you... or how you decided to presssent yourself.... then you can't change. You're forced to stay the same person you started as... because act different and you're not yourself"

"I... I don't understand"

"You are a God who does not understand midgardians complex and useless feelings, huh?" I teased tapping his arm with my foot.

He smiled, "I'm slowly beginning to believe I understand your emotions, with poetry and experience. But specifically this one is confusing me"

"Okay. Okay. Imagine this, I hand you a glass of water, it is blue, and I say 'Loki, this is water'. For years I when I hand you a glass of water it is blue. Then one day I hand you water and it is pink. What would you think?"

"I wouldn't think it's water"

"Would you drink it?"

"No, it's probably diseased"

"Exactly. All this time I've showed up, this is me, I'm , but as soon as I change-"

"People aren't going to think it's you. They will treat you differently"

"The God makes sense of puny mortals" I laugh.

"You know that no matter what, you aren't going to change my perception of you. You're always going to be amazing and beautiful"

"Loki I'm too tired to be beautiful" I slur, my arm making a nice adjustment to over my chest, my head rolling to the side. My eyes closing dramamtically.

"You're absolutely plastered" he laughed, sitting up. I giggled, my eyes still closed, my breathing slowing. I furrowed my brows as a thought formed, "Is- Is it alright if I sleep here?"

"Yea, here let's get you in the bed" I slumped into him as he lifted me up, with me tripping over his feet, holding his hand. I fell with such weight onto his clean dark green bed, the luxurious blankets engulfing me.

"Here we go" he said pulling comforter over me, adjusting the pillow under my head. I heard the rustling and then the door open.

"Aren't you- Aren't you going to ssssleep? It's awfully late"

"I- I was j-"

"It is your bed" I reaffirmed.


Sure enough, a few seconds and I was asleep. When I woke up there was a few ibuprofens on the nightstand and a glass of water. A note that read, "The water doesn't have to be blue. If you want to change, I'll always be by your side"

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