Comfortable ☆

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<3 love you guys comment any constructive criticism, looking to improve

feel like my writings aren't as snazzy as they used to be

Last edit: 8/23/23

I stood outside their apartment door, hesitant to knock. Back in my apartment, I couldn't sleep, couldn't stop shaking, couldn't feel safe. I didn't know where to go or what to do.

I knocked at the door, looking down with almost immediate nerves, my head pounding. What if I woke Steve up? What if I woke his neighbors up? I knocked again after a few minutes no response, trying to keep this one a bit quieter.

I heard a muffled voice, "God damn, it's four in the morning. Who the hell?"

My feet stumbled back to give the person some space when they opened the door. Soon enough the woosh of heat from inside passed my skin, revealing an exhausted Steve. He was wearing black sweats and a gray shirt, his skin pale and dark circles under his eyes.

"Oh uh, Luna... You okay?"

"Um, yeah," I replied quietly, shivering from the cold wind.

"You don't look so good. Come in, you must be freezing." He gently guided me in, closing the door behind us. I sat down on the small brown couch in their living area as Steve shuffled through their kitchen.

"Is Bucky home?" I asked softly, in case he was asleep in the other room. I don't want to wake him up. I don't know, I just can't be alone right now.

Steve looked up from what he was doing. "Um... I'm not big on tea, but Bucky keeps stocked for when you're over. It looks like... Chamomile or mint?" He held up the two bags, showing me the fronts.


"Alright. What did you say?"

"Is Bucky home?"

"Yeah, he's just asleep. Do you need him? I can wake him up." He politely offered, putting the kettle on the stove.

"No, no, let him sleep. I know that's a rare occasion for him." I shook my head, already feeling a pit of guilt wrench my gut.

"Are you alright, Luna? What's going on?" He asked, turning to me, leaning on the counter, and running his hand through his hair. His voice was low, like talking to an agent, and it bothered me. It felt belittling.

"I'm fine, I think. Just can't sleep."

"You wouldn't have come here if you just couldn't sleep. I know you, something is up."

I sighed, rubbing my eyes, "I just feel off, and I didn't want to be alone in my apartment."

"Okay." He pulled the kettle off the stove, dipping the bag into the mug. He handed me the mug and sat down next to me.

"What made you feel like this?"

"Steve, don't." I warned, taking a sip from the mug. Feeling the warmth drip down my throat and warm my body.

"What's going on?" I heard Bucky slur from behind me. He was leaning up against his doorframe. His eyes were half closed, and his hair was pulled back to his neck. He pressed his hands to his eyes, wiping away the haze.

"Sorry." I immediately apologized, feeling horrible for having woken him up.

"She knocked on the door about twenty minutes ago. I made some tea if you want some."

He slumped out of his room, coming up beside me and wrapping his arm around me, kissing the top of my head. His voice sent a soothing wave over me, and I felt like I could unclench my fingers.

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