The Soldat and the Girl pt.4 ☆

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I flinch up, gasping at the horrible pain through my chest. I glance around at the grey and black room, filled with medical supplies. I feel my lungs filled with air, the tubing around my nose whoosing with each breath.

I pull the IV out of my arm taking a quick look at the bag "Morphine". Where the hell am I? Taking the oxygen tube out of my nose, looking down at my bandages abdomen, I consider my best plan for escape.

First hide, find a weapon, then look for exits, figure out where you are, who has you... his voice ran through my head, the directions clear.

I stumbled through the room, looking towards the bathroom. It locks from the inside, perfect, there is a window too outside so depending on how high up I am, I could jump.

I get inside, lock the door, then slump down the wall and onto the floor, taking a moment to try and regain my breath. My heart stops when I hear the door open and the immediate "Where is she?"

I slowly get up, as best as I could without the use of my arms. Dizzyness takes over quickly, I fall down onto the sink, yelling when my arms hit it.

"She's in here"

"No, no, no, no"

"It's okay, we're just trying to help, can you unlock the door?" The door handle jiggled and I pushed myself back.

"Ok back up" I heard a strong voice say, all at once the door came crashing down, scaring me into the corner.

A big blondie, with strong blue eyes, stood back letting in a few others. There was a redhead, hair cut right above her shoulders with deep eyes that seemed to be purple. A shorter, scrawnier man with glasses. They held their hands up, advancing towards me.

"We aren't here to hurt you"

My wheezing breaths filled the room, they're wide eyes travelling to my stomach. I looked down to see the splotches of red on my shirt, alerting me to the stinging that resided there.

"Who- are- you?"

"My name is Bruce, this is Natasha, and that's Steve"

"Steve? Steve? I've heard that somewhere.... Steve Rogers?" I scrunched my brows as memories returned, I looked up at the man towering over me.


"Steve- Rogers? Who- is that? Where..."

"Can we take you back to the bed, we can get you pain medication and air so you can breathe a bit better, clean up those wounds"

"No- get away- from me"

"Let me make a deal with you, take the oxygen then we can answer all your questions without you having to stop midsentence, deal?"

I hesitated, watching Natasha leave, watching their manerisms closely. I finally nodded, as Natasha returned, slowly approaching me with the tubes, the machine behind her.

"I'm just going to put this on, okay?"

"No, just- hand it to- me"

She gently placed the tube in my hand, I put the cannulas up my nose, breathing in the oxygen, feeling my lung inflate.

"Steve Rogers, I know you somehow, I don't... I don't really remember. I know I used to remember but..."

"Bucky, when he was still Bucky, was my best friend"

"When he was... Where is James?"

They looked down, Bruce finally just sitting on the floor. Steve let out a breath he seemed to be holding "Downstairs, in a holding cell"

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