A Phone Call Pt.3 ☆

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Last edit: 8/27/23

Peter's pov

When they wheeled Luna in, it took everything in me to stay strong in front of the rest of them. Even Loki was crying.

She looked frail, small, anything but the confident woman we all knew. The door swung open, and Ms.Maximoff walked in, "Everyone doing okay?"

Small nods and "yes" reverberate through the room.

"Bucky is on his way."

I sat down next to her, holding her slender fingers. Tears are rolling down my cheeks. The oxygen mask and tubes, all of it just looked... wrong.

Security ran past our room, Dr. Strange stood up to see where they were heading, Ms.Maximoff following suit. Ms.Maximoff opened the door and yelled, "Ce se întâmplă?"

"Un bărbat agitat în camera de urgență"

"Strange, can you get us to the emergency room?"

They both left, and I stayed, not leaving her side. The in and out of the oxygen, a steady rythym. A few minutes later, they all came in, and those that couldn't fit stood outside, watching through the windows.

People made way, letting Mr. Barnes makes his way over. He was crying, a silent cry. He pulled up a chair on the other side of Luna and tangled his fingers with hers. He pulled something out of his pocket, an engagement ring slipping it onto her skinny finger.

He was silent as he pulled her hand up, kissing her knuckles. We all knew from looking at her that she must've been tortured for days before she was able to call.

I looked up and saw the nurse from before, and she waved me over. I looked at Mr. Barnes before standing up and walking out to the nurse.

"All of you family?"


"Okay, just clear the hallway, please."

"Yes, no problem, very sorry."

I turned to the group, bigger than when I left to come find Luna. At least ten of us.

"Hey guys! Can we try and move into the room? The nurse doesn't want us blocking the hallway."

They slowly filed into the room, a few sitting on the floor, some on the bed, filled to the brim with people who came just to make sure Luna pulled through.

Doctors and nurses came in and out of the room. Every once in a while, someone from the team would leave and come back a few hours later with food and water for everyone. Then, at night, we all made space on the floor, the beds, and chairs to sleep. Nobody left her side longer than needed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Luna's pov

I can hear him. "Thank you for holding on."

"I know you're trying."

I tried my best to show something, to tell him I heard him. I'm here. A wiggle of my finger, open eyes, curled toes something.

I force my eyes open slightly, I can just barely see the white sterilized area around me. They all are talking to each other, there's a lot of them, it's loud, too loud.

I groan as my head pounds and my eyes close again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When I wake up again, I can see the outlines of the people. It's so loud. I groan, twitching my fingers against this hand.

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