Healer pt.2 ☆

201 3 2

Warnings: Needle, Panic attacks, guns, killing


I tiptoe to the elevator in my tank top and shorts, "Alert Banner, it's time to give the next cure a try," I whisper to Jarvis once I make it inside the elevator.

I walk out to the kitchen, pulling out the ice packs that Tony designed especially for me and placing them on my arms, watching the liquid slowly heat up.

I sit myself on the marble island, feeling my legs become colder from the marble as well as the ice packs. After a while, they just returned to being as hot as ever, I walk over and open the window, feeling the winter wind on my face. I'm glad it provided some relief.

"Hey, um... Luna?"

"Yeah? Banner?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that... currently, I don't have any new cures to try. I can try to sedate you if it gets too bad, but unfortunately, I'm sort of at a loss. " He was standing in his boxers and a long shirt, obviously disheveled.

"Okay, thank you for trying, though. I really do appreciate it, " I say, turning my back to put my face in the cold winter wind again.

"Hey, it's what I do," he joked, turning to go back to bed.

"Um, can you... sedate me? It's a pretty bad one, and nothing is seeming to help. "

"You tried Tony's ice packs?"

"They melted."

"Damn. Yeah, Um... Let me go grab something. Can you wake up your husband to carry you back to your room?"

"Do I have to? He's had kind of a long day. I don't want to wake him up if we don't have to."

Earlier yesterday morning, he was dropping Ronan off at school, and a parent recognized him. Sending people into a frenzy of yelled opinions, crowding around him and our son.

He hates crowds, and he became majorly over stimmed, eventually pushing through the crowd with Ronan held close. Dropping him off with a fist bump and making his exit out the back.

"Yeah... Um... How about we walk to the med bay, and I can do it there? " He said, pointing behind himself to the elevator.

"I'm sorry," I said, beginning to follow him to the elevator.

"For what?"

"For the inconvenience, for waking you up."

"It's fine, I don't like knowing you're in pain, so it's the least I can do."

"Thank you," I say, exiting the elevator and laying down on the med bay table.

After laying down, I see Banner pull out a syringe, filling it with a drug. I tense up seeing the needle. Just the idea of them makes me nervous.

"You going to be alright? Maybe we should get Bucky"

"No. No. I will be alright. "

He held the plunger, wheeling his chair to my right side, "Alright, well look to the left, I'm going to do it on the count of three."



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"She's in the med bay unconscious! Someone has to go get her!"

Banner's yelling racked my brain, my body still not having the energy to get up and out of this bed. The drugs still haven't worn off, and my head can't get through the fog to stay awake.

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