Just Overheated 𖦹

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Stephen Strange x f!reader

When I came home from work I set my bag down on the ground, pulling my hair out of its ponytail. I rubbed my eyes as I moved to my kitchen and grabbed a glass of water.

My head hurts so making a bowl of ramen and laying out on my couch with a movie on was not something I was going to protest. Haven't even changed out of my scrubs yet and I'm halfway through titanic, watching Rose say, "Draw me like one of your french girls" Stephen would probably laugh at me, but then lay down with me anyways.

I put my bowl in the sink, gently ringing it. When I backed away from the sink, I tripped over my own feet, my head spinning for a few seconds.

Soon enough I made it to the couch, unpausing the movie as I scrunched the throw pillow beneath my head. It didn't take too long for me to fall asleep, snoring as my arm dangled off the green fabric.

~ ~ ~

The next morning was hard. Stephen had some big meeting with all the sorcerers and it's not supposed to end for another two nights. Today is Tuesday morning, he doesn't get home till Wednesday night.

I grabbed a glass of water, my head swimming, legs weak, stomach weaker. I'd pretty much decided that I can't eat, even the smell when I'd opened the fridge this morning made me want to throw up.

The first thing I did was put my hair back in a braid. I look terrible, the dark circles under my eyes only emphasized, a redness around my eyes and nose. The only thing I could think of that would make me feel better is... I went into our closet and pulled it off the hanger and over my head. When I looked at myself in the mirror I smiled a little, his grey Columbia sweater looked better on me than any of my own clothes did.

I took a nap, only waking up when I had to pee. When I got up I couldn't sleep after, instead settling for rocking on my bed while shivers racked my body.

With the blanket wrapped around me I got up and moved to the living room. The kitchen was close enough, I thought, I had barely made it to the sink before I threw up. My eyes watered- I cried- as my drool pooled from my lips. I quickly turned on the water and stuck my face under it, rinsing my mouth out, I hate that taste, I hate that feeling.

Finally I found what I had come for. Opening the cabinet and shaking the pill bottle, I popped a few meds into my mouth. I just wanted ibuprofen. Is that too much to ask for?

I barely made it back to the couch before I'd passed out. I guess the meds made a difference.

~ ~ ~

It was morning when I woke up again, shoving my blankets off, skin radiating heat.

I stood up and made an attempt to make it back to the ibuprofen. I made it about halfway before I sat down on the floor, feeling to lightheaded to keep going. I layed my head on the carpet pulling off the shirt I was wearing under his sweater and leaving that on the floor too.

When Id felt better I got up again, making it to the pills and taking my fill. Strands of hair had fallen out of my braid and gotten in my face, making me huff.

Trying to make it back to the couch, I stumbled along, realizing just how big of a mess I was leaving behind. I'd have to clean up before Stephen got home.

Turning on a new show I curled back up on the couch, arms wrapped around my stomach, knees practically touching my chest. I fell asleep for another few hours, only to again wake up with chills. Now I'm freezing.

I checked the time, realizing he will be home soon enough. Just a few hours. I should shower, I feel disgusting, and I probably look disgusting too. It might just warm me up enough to stop the constant shivering.

Made it about half way there before I had to sit down and rest my head on the wall. Nothing hurts persay, just all of me feels cold and icky.

With a groan I got up and moved to the shower, turning it on till it was steaming, sitting on the sill of the tub. It wasn't too hard to undress, I didn't have too many layers on anyways. When the water was hot enough that I finally felt warm I crawled in, sitting on the floor and letting the hot run over my back.

I spent half an hour in there, eventually reaching up to the shampoo and washing my hair. Finally I got out of the shower, almost immediately crashing forward. I heard the front door open, and wrapped a towel around me.

Made it out to the hallway, a small smile leaving my lips, his gaze finding me, "Hey, look at you"

Stephen smiled, probably too focused on the water rinsing down my front to notice just how bad I felt. Stumbling through the hall I made it to his hold before whispering, "I don't feel good"


My head swam before my knees gave out, vision going spotty. Falling into his arms.

~ ~ ~

I woke up in the bed, I groaned as I tried to sit up, my skin hypersensitive, my muscles achy. I heard a shuffle then Stephen was helping me sit up, I whispered, "What happened?"

"You have a fever, and then got into a steaming shower. Overheated yourself"

"I shouldn't be here, I can sleep on the couch" I slumped out of bed, pulling the blankets behind me like a cape.

"Get in bed, Y/n" he practically pushed me into the warm comfort of our mattress. I knew better than to try and fight him on this and instead got comfortable with the many pillows.

"You could've called me, I would've came home. You know that, right?" he mumbled, wiping something over my sweaty forehead. He's a doctor, he can help me.


"What do you need? Anything in the world and I'll bring it to you"

"I don't feel good"

"I know. Here, some nyquil" he held out the bottle, we never measure here, just drink.


"Just do it fast, babe"

I groaned, holding up my arm so he can help me sit up again. He sat me up on the edge of the bed and handed me the disgusting medicine. I downed it like a shot, before shaking my head as the flavor rang through my mouth.

"I know, babe"

I huffed, the nausea returning with my new position. Stephen put the cool rag back over my head, giving me a comforting smile.

"Wanna watch a movie with me till you fall asleep?"

"Mhmm" I affirmed, watching him chuckle as he walked over to his side of the bed. He crawled up in bed next to me, pulling my blanket wrapped form against him and resting my knotted head to his chest.

"You scared me" he admitted, rubbing his hand up and down my arm, eventually settling in my hair.

"I didn't mean to"

"I know. I just worry. I love you too much to lose you" he confessed, flipping through the movies of netflix.

"I love you too"

When we finally found one I could barely keep my eyes open, his heartbeat lulling me to sleep, one that hopefully would factory reset my immune system and pull me out of my fever.

He turned it on and cuddled next to me and despite my worries that I'd get him sick he stayed at least until I fell asleep.

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