🍋 Thinking Too Much 🕶️

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Warning: Vomit, Overdrinking, SMUT, spanking, bondage

Bella- italian for beautiful

He opened the door for me, shielding me from the bright flashed that only seem to upset me. Careful not to expose too much, I held his hand as I stepped out onto the red carpet. He held a hand over my eyes as he guided me into the gala, his other hand stuck on the exposed skin of my back.

"You look.... stunning"

"Not to bad yourself" I teased as we made it in. It took only a few seconds before someone approached Tony, "Hey! Long time no see! Now which one of the playboy bunnies is she, hmm?"

Tony scoffed, "This is my fiance, Y/n. She's a doctor and works with some of the best scientists in the world"

"Sorry... this gala looks nice, Tony. I'm going to get a few drinks from the bar, want any? I'm buying"

"Just use the money that you would use on our drinks and donate it to the charity" Tony said walking away. Once we got to the table, he profusely apologized for the man's behavior, "I'm so sorry, he's a colleague from college and I never really liked him. You deserve better, Bella"

"It's fine, Tony. Don't-" I trailed off as I saw them come in. They look amazing. Natasha with her red dress and matching lipstick, perfectly showing off all of her.


"Sorry, um... Don't worry about it. No stress"

Tony's eyes flashed to the door as Banner and Thor walked in. A big part of the publicity of this gala is that the team will be here. Pulled in a lot of money for the charity.

"I'm gonna go talk to the team"

"Okay, I'll meet you there in a few minutes, alright? I've got some things to take care of" he nodded and then kissed my cheek, heading off towards the group.

I went to the restroom, thinking back to Natasha. She looked great, and part of me can't help but compare. Especially when I got a look of myself in the mirror as I wash my hands.

The black dress looked okay on me. That's why I'd picked it, the only one that didn't look off on me. They deserve to be worn on someone prettier, someone beautiful. With the tightness of it you can see every lump, every imperfection and the neckline only accentuated my scarred chest.

Only when the door opened did I snap out of my trance, heading out that same door and to the bar.

"What can I get for you, miss?"

"Whatever is cheapest"

"It's on the house so if you want something more high end, feel free, ma'am" he offered.

"I'm good with whatever is cheapest, please" I turned around and looked at the room as he made my drink.

Steve shifted a little and I could see Tony deep in conversation with a gorgeous Wanda. It's not that I dont trust him. It's that she is so much better. Everything about her is prettier.

I'll never match up.

"Here you go" the bartender said, glass on the counter. I swirled the glass a little before downing it quickly, "I'd like another, please"

~ ~ ~

Leaning against his back as he chatted with them, he noticed my new appearance. Soon enough he turned around, pulling me to his side with a soft hold, running his finger tips up and down my arm.

They all laughed and finally I'd tuned in, "What are they talking about?"

"A new movie that's coming out"

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