Panic and Comfort 🕶

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My feet were hitting the ground faster than my body could keep up. I can hear them, but I can also hear the beeping of the bomb. This place is a maze and they could be anywhere.

"I can't find them!" I shouted when I saw Steve pass in a nearby hallway. My voice cracking and eyes dilated.

"We have to get out of here!"

"They are still here! You hear them!" I screamed running towards where I thought it was coming from.

Finally after a long hallway I came to a door and there were little fingers reaching from the crack under the metal. I shouted to them, "I'm going to get you out. It's gonna be okay."

They were sobbing and screaming, there had to be like almost ten of them? "Back away from the door, okay? Do you hear me?"

I pressed my hand to the door until I couldn't feel them banging anymore and started to kick. My foot slammed, next to the door knob with all my strength.

With each beep my heart raced faster and their fear grew. I yelled as I kicked it again, a snap rattled me and I was laying on the ground groaning and wincing.

"Fuck. It fucking. Fuck. Damn it."

The kids were screaming at me, begging for my help. Little boys screaming for their moms and girls trying to soothe each other.

"Please, please, we will be good. Let us out of here. I don't wanna die. I'll be good."

I turned and grabbed the handle, standing on my good leg and pulling. "Come on, come on, come on." I chanted like it'd make a difference.

The beeping grew faster and their screams grew more frantic. I fell to the floor as my fate set in, laying down and looking up at the ceiling as the silence set in for barely a second and the blast went off.

~ ~ ~

I died and now I know what the afterlife is like. Cold. Dark. Painful. I can't move. Maybe a little twitch in my fingers but that's it.

There is a heavy weight on my chest and it's all really fuzzy. Tingling moved from my toes to my fingers to right behind my eyes.

I don't like it. I don't like this.

"Y/n? Talk to me."

Who's voice is that? Why are they here?

I tried to get away from it, to move at all, which only caused the weight on my chest to grow. Tears fell from my eyes and down my face, and a fire rose in my chest.

"Woah. Woah. Whatever you're doing stop."

I coughed and wheezed, groaning in pain.


"Hey. Hey. It's me. Tell me what's going on."

"I don't like this. I don't like this. Stop." I whimpered, stammering over my words.

"Y/n, It's Tony. We are going to help you but you have to breathe."

"I- I can't." I sobbed, trying to think through what could possibly be happening.

"Remember the pattern? The one you do with me? You know it. Deep breath in." I tried to listen but it hurt like hell, "Tony, I can't."

"That's okay, as deep as you can. Now hold it."

I listened but my eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my skull. Then Tony instructed, "Let it out, slow."

"Good. Good job. See Y/n, you did it."

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