Everything Slowed ☆

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My heart thrashs out of its cage, hitting my chest like a warning. Slow down. Slow down, Luna. But opposite that is the dogs, barking and snarling at my heels. At least, that's what it sounds like.

The wind whips my face, along with falling specks of snow from the tree branches above. My throat is the only fire for miles. And yet I focus my eyes on the ground because the last thing I need is to step on a trap.

Bullets fly past me, and one grazed my leg. The cold outweighs all other pain, so I don't even feel it. As long as I am alive, I'm okay. Nothing else matters.

In the distance, I can see a clearing, what I think is the lake. As long as I can make it past, I should be able to force them into a cease fire. The only issue is going around will be too slow with this damn hole in my calf.

So the decision was made to cross. I couldn't hesitate. At this point it in the winter, it had to be thick enough to cross.

~ ~ ~

Buck and I never got along that well. He was broodish and stubborn. While I tried my best to be confident and calm. The two of us butted heads often in meetings and around the compound. So it will never cease to confuse me why Steve keeps partnering us up for assignments.

Tonight, we infiltrate this compound. Supposedly, it holds weapons beyond imagination. Ones that could hurt super soldiers, take down the hulk, obliterate whole states, whole countries.

So, of course, they sent the two of us to take care of it. It was simple, initiate the buildings lockdown, and then get out. Should be simple enough.

I think by now you know things never go to plan.

"Give me my gun."

"I didn't take your gun."

"This isn't funny."

"Then why am I laughing?" He chuckled, tossing me my handgun. I shoved it in the holster at my hip, mumbling, "Because you're a dumbass."

"You don't have to be rude, princess."

"We are five minutes from drop off." Natasha chimed, cutting me off before I could call my partner a prick.

I wrapped my wrists, then slotted my arms into a sweater, then a thin thermal coat. Surprisingly, this coat that was barely thicker than a jacket provided enough warmth to keep body temp for hours on hours outside in below freezing temperatures.

Buck handed me a beanie, and it wasn't too long before we were standing in front of an open airplane door. Willing ourselves to jump.

"We will be fine. We know how to land."

"I have a history of not knowing how to land."

"It will be fine." I think I'm saying it more for myself. I know I've done this a million times, but I still have to get over the initial fear.

"Come on, princess. What's the worst that could happen? Are you gonna lose an arm?" Then he jumped, without warning, forcing me out so we landed generally close together.

My body thudded against the ground and I groaned loudly, rolling off my stomach to my back. I closed my eyes for barely a second before the snow crunched next to me.

"Get up." He held down his hand to me.

"Give me a minute."

He turned away and started into the woods. I sat up and scoffed, "Come back. Geez. Help me up."

"It's too late. I did offer my hand."

Climbing to my feet, I brushed flecks of snow from my cheekbones, "Come on. You know better than to leave me behind. You won't survive without me."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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