Chapter 1 - dance class

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This is the beginning of my newest adventure

it's going to be quite a few chapters so if you think it's too much I can always make the story its own book just lmk goobers


Toes pointed, hips forward, shoulders back, chin up, and every hair slicked back into a tight bun. We ran through the routine once in unison, not a girl who moved differently, we had worked out all the kinks after seventeen years. Still, the instructor walked up and down the aisles, eyes sharp on every inch of detail. Searching for imperfections in our form.

"Pick up your weapons." She yelled.

I obeyed without a thought, holding the knife in my hand and returning to my spot. The instructor looked at me as I tried to keep my eyes ahead, "Опять же, с оружием!" (Again, with the weapon.)

We all flowed together, nothing out of place, not a sound. Even our footsteps were silent against the training floor.

When we finished she stopped in front of me, my chest rising and falling slowly to keep quiet. Her eyes bored into mine as a distraction for the move she would try to pull.

Her knee which was aiming for my leg missed entirely as I stepped gracefully out of her attack, and sent her to the floor, my hand raised with the weapon in hand. "Вдовы! Останови!" (Widows! Stop her!)

Girls pulled me away, which I instantly gave in to with confusion storming in my head. This was training. She was testing me. At least that's what I thought.

The guards came in and almost as quick as I gave in, I started to fight. They only come when someone is in trouble and to them, it looked like I just pulled a weapon on the instructor.

"Который из?" (Which one?) They asked till their masks landed on me. It's better just to let them handle me, fighting will just make it worse.

They grabbed my arms, cuffing my hands at the base of my spine. I was led out of the training room and down the halls. I knew where I was going, the mistake Id made.

His office was already open and all the guards had to do was sit me down and uncuff me. My eyes fell to the floor as they left, waiting for something to tell me what is happening.

"I don't see you in here often, little one. What did you do?" Dreykov's rough voice spoke, obvious disappointment that killed me evident in his words.

"She was going to hurt me. I thought it was a training exercise, Sir." The shake in my voice was evident because as I explained he stood up from his chair and walked toward me.

A sharp slap across my face had my eyes watering, the skin burning as cuts from his rings started to bleed. "I didn't ask what she did."

"Sorry, Sir. I pinned the instructor and raised my weapon." His hand lifted my chin to look at him, the grip tight enough to squish my cheeks.

"I know my girls. I've seen her upset with you. I know why she did what she did. But you know the rules..."

"Sir, please. You have to understand I didn't have bad intentions. I thought it was a test."

"Shhhh." He pulled back on my hair, holding it between his knuckles and manipulating me with the power he carries.

"You're one of the best. That's why I hold you to such a high standard. Luna, I won't forget you."

"W-what?" He pulled me so my neck was presented to him. Suddenly there was a sharp pinch of a plunger being deftly stabbed into me.

I shot up, fighting to get away from him. Hitting him wasn't an option, emotionally or physically, but I don't want whatever this means. This isn't the normal punishment.

"Luna, come here. It's okay."

My balance was useless as I stumbled around, needing to keep a hand on something to stand. "No. No. I'm sorry."

"You trust me, right? I wouldn't do anything that I didn't believe you can handle." He held his arms out. Not anymore, I don't trust him anymore. Not since hearing Natasha's story about what it's like outside.

But it was pointless, in a few more seconds I was falling to the floor, eyes fluttering closed.

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