Wounded pt.2 ☆

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Warnings: Major character death, stabbing, stitches, vomit, panic attacks

"There is space at the tower? I don't need to stay super long, just enough to find an apartment or something"

"Yeah. Yeah. It's no problem, if you need anything I'll be there for you"

"Thank you"

I hung up, putting my phone in my pocket as I left the subway. I kept my head down and moved as a ghost through New York city. The last thing I want is to be recognized.

Stopping at the store I grabbed myself the necessities. A few box lunches, tampons, ibuprofen, and the basic gauze pads and antibacterial goop. As I was checking out the cashier made a face before scoffing, "You're the girl. The Avenger"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Okay. Yeah. You know, I lost both my parents in the blip? I have a five year old sister and a two month old brother that I have to take care of on my own"

"Can I just have my stuff please?"

He shook his head, holding out the bag. When I went to grab it he dropped it on the floor, my stuff spilling onto the tile.

I sighed trying to keep in my own anger, I understand why he's upset, but he's not the only one who lost people.

"Thank you" I whispered, going out to the sidewalk and pulling my hood up. It's just two blocks and then Jarvis can activate security.

Finally I stepped up the stairs to the tower, setting my stuff down once we got in. Jarvis' kind voice rang overhead, "Good to have you, Y/n. All of the necessary ammenities are on your floor"

"Thank you. Can you make sure security is up, no one else is staying here I believe"

"Yes, Ms.Y/n. Take care of yourself"

"Mmhm" I hummed. I was to spend the next few years alone. Everyday melded into the next. Just the eternal thought that Bucky is dead and I am alone. All the people who would've cared are dead.

I move through the next few weeks, from the bed to the bathroom back to the bed. Jarvis reminding me every few hours to drink some water and have something to eat.

I'd check my phone, put on a movie and go to sleep, take an ibuprofen, change the dressings over my stitches.

I woke up one morning to a notification, a horrible.... terrible... horrifying notification.

Y/n, you have not entered any data for your period this week. Did you forget or do you need to go get a test?

My period tracker reminding me of what I was supposed to do. What this week was supposed to be. The looming unopened box still in the bathroom.

"Ms.Y/n? Is everything alright? Your pulse has shot up" Jarvis asked concerned.

"Um... I uh... Can you put pregnancy tests on the shopping list?" I stuttered, sitting up fully and pulling my hair back.

It can't be true, right? It can't be. I can't do this alone. And if I... If I am... then it has to be his. I would raise... without him.

"Ms.Y/n, would you like me to call someone to be with you during this time?"

"No, Jarvis. Thank you"

~ ~ ~

I sat on the grey tile floor, watching the lines appear. No matter what I'll be happy, right? On one hand I have a baby, it's Bucky's, and I'm gonna raise them to be just like their father, kind and brave. On the other hand I don't have a baby and I don't have to worry about tests and money and doctors and needles.

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