Hurt on Purpose ☆

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BuckyBarnes x f!reader

warnings: blood? broken nose? gaslighting?

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I was supposed to just be grabbing my things from their house. I'm moving out to the compound, and my clothes and a few pictures were still left at my parents' place.

I had all my sweatshirts collected in a tub and was carrying it down the stairs when I heard her footsteps trudge out of her room. I huffed, trying to watch my step, rather than pay attention to the woman that's coming to the top of the staircase.

"So that's it? You're just going to leave."

"I have a job, mom. And a boyfriend. I've got to stop letting you tell me no."

"I never told you no. You wanted to stay." I laughed at the thought. Setting my stuff down on the porch.

"What?" she snarled; Mom has to know she is starting something right now. I don't need it.

"Nothing. I'm moving. If you want, you can text me and we can meet up and really talk. I can't deal with this right now."

"Am I really that bad of a mom?"

"Do you know how many times you told me you don't love me? Or if I moved you would cut me off? Or if I went and became a graphic designer you wouldn't help me with my college?" I scoffed going back to my room.

"I just guided you in the right direction. You needed it."

"Mom! I'm making one decision to have the life that I want and you're litterally standing in my way!" I said coming up to her short stature, her hands on her hips. She scoffed, and yet stayed right where she is.


"No. You're not leaving." She stated. I rolled my eyes, trying to push through. She pushed back, almost shoving me down the stairs.

"You were always too stubborn to recognize when you are hurting yourself."

I shook my head, turning around and getting to the open door, only pausing to look up at her again "Then I will get hurt. I don't care anymore."

"You're throwing your life away for a boy!"

"It's not my life anymore! I became a doctor because you wanted me to! I stayed here because you wanted me to! I can't do this anymore!"

"You are so stupid and stubborn. You couldn't do anything. You're lucky that you have me. You can't do shit on your own."

"Bye! I'm done! I'm gone!"

"Never loved you anyways. Knew from when you were a kid, you'd turn out like this." She shook her head and scoffed, shutting the door to the house in front of her. I can feel tears welling in my eyes, but still, I pack the bin into the back of my car.

I ignored the buzzing of my phone, instead buckling the seatbelt and driving off. Trying to forget all the things she said to me in time for training.

~ ~ ~

I set my bag down, putting my hair up and looking in the mirror. All I had was sweatshirts, I couldn't grab any other of my clothes, and I couldn't wear scrubs to train. So I've got some of the extra agent's sweats and my sweatshirt. I look exhausted.

I unzipped my bag and grabbed my gloves, ready to hit the bag. Maybe it'd help me feel better.

When the door swooshed open, the first thing that caught my ear was Steve yelling, "Oh Y/n! Did you make it here okay? You're late!"

"I know! I'm fine!" I yelled back sitting down to stretch. As I leant over my hips, I pulled out my phone and found a good playlist, connecting my headphones. Bucky came over and stretched with me. We are both quiet people, so I was glad that it gives us an excuse not to talk about my day today.

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